Several Coulee Climate group members have been forwarding great links about the COP21 conference and related world, national and regional isues. Here they are for your info and use (like a letter to the editor?). Please forward more links/news and we'll try to post new links every few days.
Send links to couleeprogressive.
First, this 2014 story from Mother Jones - We're 20 years from catastrophe per Price-Waterhouse
Politico.EU: COP21 - Everything you need to know
WaPo: Obama urges world action on climate change
The Atlantic: The fate of the world lies between the brackets
Democracy Now!: The Paris agreement will see the planet burn
The Atlantic: The difference two degrees makes
NYT: India pivotal in Obama's climate legacy
Reuters: France and India look to the sun
C40 Cities: Climate leadership from the world's mayors
Climate Reality Project: These five videos explain COP21
Mother Jones: Use this cheat sheet to win every climate argument
TruthDig: Clean energy gathers steam
New Republic: COP21's huge carbon footprint
Climate Desk: If ISIS had a bomb that could put the east coast underwater ...
Also ...
An important film series - RACING EXTINCTION - documenting the human-caused "sixth extinction" is starting tomorrow on the Discovery Channel. Would anyone be interested in putting together a community screening some time in early 2016?
Wisconsin Farmers' Union and the Wisconsin Towns Association are sponsoring a FRAC SAND MINING CONFERENCE on Monday, December 14 in Eau Claire. More and registration info here. (Register by 12/8 for $25).