Tuesday, December 01, 2015

NEWS (and links) you can USE!

Several Coulee Climate group members have been forwarding great links about the COP21 conference and related world, national and regional isues. Here they are for your info and use (like a letter to the editor?). Please forward more links/news and we'll try to post new links every few days.
Send links to couleeprogressive.

First, this 2014 story from Mother Jones - We're 20 years from catastrophe per Price-Waterhouse

Politico.EU: COP21 - Everything you need to know

WaPo: Obama urges world action on climate change

The Atlantic: The fate of the world lies between the brackets

Democracy Now!: The Paris agreement will see the planet burn

The Atlantic: The difference two degrees makes

NYT: India pivotal in Obama's climate legacy

Reuters: France and India look to the sun

C40 Cities: Climate leadership from the world's mayors

Climate Reality Project: These five videos explain COP21

Mother Jones: Use this cheat sheet to win every climate argument

TruthDig: Clean energy gathers steam

New Republic: COP21's huge carbon footprint

Climate Desk: If ISIS had a bomb that could put the east coast underwater ...

Also ...

An important film series - RACING EXTINCTION - documenting the human-caused "sixth extinction" is starting tomorrow on the Discovery Channel. Would anyone be interested in putting together a community screening some time in early 2016?


Wisconsin Farmers' Union and the Wisconsin Towns Association are sponsoring a FRAC SAND MINING CONFERENCE on Monday, December 14 in Eau Claire. More and registration info here. (Register by 12/8 for $25).