Monday, October 21, 2024


Absentee-in-person (AIP) voting begins on Tuesday. 

Many people prefer AIP voting. You can vote when it works best with your schedule. You don't have to worry about possible election day problems like poor health, bad weather, transportation issues, or family emergencies. You can keep your election day free to volunteer at the polls or with last minute Get Out the Vote (GOTV) efforts. You can help campaigns focus their GOTV time and energy on others (individual's voting activity - not who they vote for - is a public record).

If you are not yet registered or need to change your registration, per the Wisconsin Elections Commission, "You can register to vote online or by mail up to 20 days before the election. If you have a valid State of Wisconsin Driver License or State of Wisconsin ID card issued by the Wisconsin Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) you can register to vote online at If you prefer to register in-person you can register in-person in your municipal clerk’s office up until the Friday before the election or at your polling place on Election Day. You must always provide a Proof of Residence document when registering to vote."

When you register, you need to prove you live where you say you live by bringing or showing  a current and valid Wisconsin driver's license, lease, utility bill, or other document as described here:

When you vote, you need to provide a photo ID, like a driver's license, official state ID, or other approved document as described here:

In the City of La Crosse, there are several absentee-in-person voting location options. The chart below is from the City Clerk's office. Get more details at

La Crosse County voters outside of the City can find more information about their municipality's AIP voting process here: and all Wisconsin voters can get detailed voting information at

If you have an absentee ballot, be sure to follow instructions about signing and getting a witness' signature and full address on your absentee ballot envelope before returning it. If you need help finding a witness for your ballot, contact the League of Women Voters or Coulee Progressive.

To return your absentee ballotyou can mail it, take it to the Clerk's office, turn it in at an AIP voting location during voting hours, use the ballot drop box outside of city hall before election day, or bring it with you to your polling place on election day. In most cases, you must return your own ballot. Read details of returning an absentee ballot here:

You can take the city bus to City Hall and AIP locations and the MTU is free on November 5, Election Day. If you would like help taking the bus to vote, contact La Crosse Area Transit Advocates.

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Vigilantes Inc.

From Our Wisconsin Revolution

Our Wisconsin Revolution will  host a watch party for the "Save Your Vote! Stop MAGA Vigilante Election Fraud Broadcast", on October 23, 2024. Join Greg Palast, Martin Sheen, and Thom Hartmann as featured speakers during this important event!

On October 22nd, we'll pre-tape segments, and on October 23rd, we’ll gather for a powerful live screening of Greg Palast's new documentary, Vigilante’s Inc., which exposes the far-right's attempts to undermine our elections.

If you cannot attend, you can watch Vigilantes, Inc. for free at this link.

This is a critical opportunity to engage with your community and raise awareness about the ongoing fight against voter suppression. Let’s come together to amplify our voices and make a significant impact!

Right-wing groups like True the Vote are recruiting 40,000 “voter fraud hunters” to systematically challenge the eligibility of over 1 million voters across 43 states. These attacks are part of a larger coordinated effort to suppress votes and disenfranchise marginalized communities ahead of the 2024 election. This is a direct thlinkreat to our democracy, and we need to unite and act quickly.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

State of the Climate


"We are on the brink of an irreversible climate disaster. This is a global emergency beyond any doubt. Much of the very fabric of life on Earth is imperiled. We are stepping into a critical and unpredictable new phase of the climate crisis."

Yet another dire prediction of imminent, existential, unrecoverable disaster has been published by experts. 

As the monster hurricane targets Florida and another unprecedented storm aims for France, as farm fields are alternately burned to a crisp, sucked dry, or flooded, as the U.S. southwest continues it's record-breaking heat cycles, we wander on, business as usual.

We HAVE to stop burning fossil fuels yesterday, yet no one seems to think that imperative applies to them. My well-off old people friends and acquaintances continue jetting or driving around the world for vacations, our supposedly "climate woke" non-profits, from public TV to the Sierra Club, continue to invite global flying, few people take the plea to use less carbon-intense means of local transportation seriously, few incentives or upgrades are being undertaken to help people change their transportation habits.

Kudos to Habitat for Humanity for their efforts to demonstrate that homes can be sealed and insulated rather than torn down. Kudos to Wisconsin Conservation Voters for helping people understand how to take advantage of Biden administration financial incentives to switch from polluting cars and appliances to clean ones.

But also, what is going on with Frack, baby, frack Kamala Harris? Why is Dairyland Power, recipient of a huge grant to "greenify" it's power production, still pushing for a new fossil methane plant in northern Wisconsin? [UPDATE - Dairyland Power has withdrawn its air permit! We may be winning this one.] Why does the school district want us to vote on a huge building plan before their climate action plan is finalized?

We are well beyond the stage where two steps forward, one step back is going to work. We need all steps forward now.

"As pressures increase and the risk of Earth's climate system switching to a catastrophic state rises, more and more scientists have begun to research the possibility of societal collapse."

All steps forward means personal action, including reducing our own carbon emissions AND relentlessly lobbying, at all levels of government and in our community, for quicker, more impactful change. It means voting for  whoever might be convinced you can't have meaningful climate action while you are overseeing record fossil fuel production. It means talking about it relentlessly with friends, co-workers, family members, neighbors, employers, and our community.

We may be cooked, but maybe our children can survive. But not unless we change things. Starting today. Starting right now.


Sunday, October 13, 2024

Celebrate Democracy


Join Wisconsin Grassroots Network and many others in celebrating our democracy.

Hear dynamic speakers and lively entertainment. 

Be part of a community that believes in democracy and freedom.

Unite with others. It takes a village!

Let's fill Capitol Square with pro-democracy noise!

Indigenous Peoples Day

Connect with friends and neighbors, learn our history, celebrate our present, imagine our future at La Crosse Indigenous Peoples Day, from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. in downtown La Crosse.

Then, join Zimmerman cousins Sam & Travis as they share how they created their book How the Birds Got Their Songs, a traditional Ojibwe story passed down through the Zimmerman family.

Sam and Travis Zimmerman are descendents of the Grand Portage Band of Ojibwe. Sam is a Duluth-based artist who explores his heritage through art. His work can be found in the books How the Birds Got Their Songs and Following My Spirit Home: A Collection of Paintings and Stories, and on social media @CraneSuperior. His cousin Travis is the site manager at the Mille Lacs Indian Museum and Trading Post. Together, Sam and Travis are continuing the Anishinaabe tradition of storytelling, sharing stories that were passed to them from their great-grandmother through Travis’s father.

Pearl Street Books will be selling copies of the book after the program.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Poll Workers Needed

Additional poll workers are still needed in the City of La Crosse. Poll workers help make sure people are at the right place to vote, register new voters, ensure voters have appropriate ID and know how the voting process works, and more. Training is provided.  

If you would like to serve as a poll worker, please email the La Crosse City Clerk immediately:  

Provide your full legal name, voting address, email, and phone number. You must be a resident of La Crosse county.

Great GROW get-together

Great GROW Get-Together

The Great GROW Get-Together is a family friendly celebration of garden-based learning. 

The event will highlight winning Kids Cooking Challenge and Garden recipes recreated by local chefs for your enjoyment. 

The Mr. Blink Trio will entertain with live music. There will be face painting and carnival style games with prizes. Local author, Nick Nichols will debut his new book the Pollinator Parade

The Nature Place staff will have a live Critter Visit. 

You can also help raise funds to support GROW programming by taking part in amazing silent auction and raffles.

Ticket purchases are non-refundable. Purchase your tickets in advance to be entered into a special raffle.


Thursday, September 26, 2024

Area Transportation Survey

The La Crosse Area Planning Committee (LAPC) wants your input! We’ve launched a community survey to help shape our long-range transportation plan for the next 20 years.

Why Your Input Matters:

Your feedback is crucial in identifying transportation improvements for the region. Please take a moment to share your thoughts and help us spread the word!


How to Participate:

The survey is quick – just about 10-minutes! Its open to everyone and your responses will be anonymous.

Take the Survey Here: Survey Link or scan the QR code in the attached flyer.


Learn More:

Visit LAPC Website or reach out to Erin Duffer at or 608-785-5597.


Need flyers or postcards to share with your community? Interested in hosting a focus group? Just let us know!


Yog tias koj xav tau kev pab tshwj xeeb lossis txhais ua lwm hom lus kom pom LAPC cov phiaj xwm lossis phiaj xwm, thov hu rau Erin Duffer ntawm 608-785-5597.


Si necesita adaptaciones especiales o traducción a otro idioma para ver los planes o programas de LAPC, comuníquese con Erin Duffer al 608-785-5597.


Thank you for helping us improve transportation in our communities!


Erin Duffer, AICP (she/her)

Transportation Planner

La Crosse Area Planning Committee, MPO

Phone: 608-785-5597

212 6th St N, Room 1600

La Crosse, WI 54601

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Clean Energy Benefits and YOU


Join CRSC in welcoming Quinn Rowe of Wisconsin Conservation Voters for an online program about energy and money savings available through Clean Energy incentives in the Inflation Reduction Act.

From credits for renewables, to incentives for efficiency, the act offers a decade of reasons to make the switch. We'll learn about 

  • Clean Energy: 30 percent tax credit on solar, heat pumps, geothermal, and battery storage
  • Electric Vehicles: Up to $7,500 point-of-purchase tax credit for new vehicles, up to $4,000 for used vehicles
  • Energy Efficiency: 30 percent tax credit on insulation, windows, appliances, heating and cooling, and more
  • Incentives and resources for renters and landlords
  • Home energy audits and Focus on Energy programs
This is an online program available on Zoom and by phone dial-in. To register, please visit OR call 608-315-2693

Monday, September 16, 2024

Food forest, victory gardens

There will be a Food Forest clean up at the  Hamilton/SOTA I site, TODAY at 6 p.m. 

  • GROW La Crosse will lead
  • Refreshments, light snacks, and gardening tools will be provided
  • Please bring your own gloves (And family & friends)

Remember, there is also a great food forest by the YMCA at West Avenue & Main Street. Fruit trees are loaded this year!

In addition, there are three southside Community Victory Gardens, maintained by volunteers, that have free produce for anyone who wants to pick a meal for their family. New volunteers are always welcome!

While things are winding down, most victory gardens still have greens, beans, tomatoes, cukes, and squash. Some have more, including broccoli and herbs. Check them out at
  • City Hall - EAST side of building (NOT south side)
  • Hogan - 10th & Mississippi
  • APTIV - 3000 South Avenue
There is also a small vegetable garden at Myrick Park near the Nature place. And the Kane Street Community garden, near the Amtrak Station, definitely offers produce to the community. Check the website for harvest dates and protocols.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Current and coming events

There are many events coming up that will help us build and grow a strong, diverse, caring community.  PRIDE in the Park, last weekend, is a great model for community and inclusion.  Here are two more:

The community is celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month with programs, speakers, and concerts at UWL, Viterbo, and the La Crosse Public Library starting September 20 and continuing through mid-October.

Learn more at this UWL web page:


Hmong New Year will be September 21 & 22 at Veterans' Memorial County Park near West Salem. Get all the details at the HCCC Facebook page.

-ALL GENERAL PARKING is $30 at the La Crosse Speedway, Interstate Fair Grounds

You can reach Vets Park by bicycle on the La Crosse River State Trail OR along the Highway 16 multiuse trail that connects Valley View Mall to West Salem.

Week Without Driving (September 30 through October 6) is a national event that encourages us to consider our transportation environment, how it affects millions of non-drivers, and how it could be better. Take the WWD Challenge - try to go a week without driving a personal vehicle - OR participate in our local WWD Bingo. MTU fares will be FREE during the week. Fares on the SMRT are FREE ON October 1 with a WWD Bingo Card!
Local WWD events include 
- an online book talk hosted by the La Crosse Public Library-
- a day trip on the Scenic Mississippi Regional Transit bus from La Crosse to Prairie du Chien
- an informal Transit Talk at the October 4 Cameron Park Farmers Market
- a Transit to Trails event hosted by the Coulee Region Sierra Club
- a Teaching Safe Biking clinic hosted by the Wisconsin Bike Fed

Learn more about these and other local events at

Thursday, August 08, 2024

Taking a break


We are taking a break during August. I will try to update the calendar occasionally. Vote.

Watch the meteor showers.

Predicted peak: The peak is predicted for August 12, 2024, at 14:00 UTC. So the mornings of August 11, 12 and 13 are probably your best bet.

When to watch: The moon will be a 1st quarter and 50% illuminated during 2024’s peak of the Perseid meteor shower. So the best time to watch for Perseids will be starting around midnight until dawn. This shower rises to a peak gradually, then falls off rapidly. And Perseid meteors tend to strengthen in number as late night deepens into the wee hours before dawn. The shower is often best just before dawn.

Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Bicyclists are not squirrels

As the city of La Crosse prepares to pass its new Bike/Ped master plan, we can celebrate a step forward in making spaces safer for those who walk and cycle AND we can be frustrated that many previous plans meant to make walking & biking safer and more comfortable are still sitting unfinished on a shelf (next to the many plans promising better bus service). And we can wonder why making relatively small changes takes so long and must be studied seemingly indefinitely.

Not only do these delays and slow-walking of  needed changes mean fewer children will grow up riding bikes for transportation and fewer adults will ride because there are not safe places on busy direct-route streets, they also mean more people who do ride are at risk of injury or death from speeding, inattentive, sometimes hostile drivers.

On August 11, in Colorado and virtually, there will be a ride in honor of a cyclist killed by a car for lack of good infrastructure and for lack of appropriate  penalties for drivers all across the country. (Let's face it, drivers  speed and text and drive aggressively because, in many states, hitting a squirrel or a bicyclist with a car is treated about the same.)

Read the story of Magnus and why many national groups are taking up this cause from Streetsblog

"Shortly after Magnus died, the Colorado Department of Transportation announced the emergency installation of rumble strips on the road where he was killed, which despite being known locally as the 'Diagonal Highway' or Colorado 119, [Magnus' father] Michael says counts among Boulder's most popular cycling routes. That announcement was soon followed by a star-studded press conference in which Gov. Jared Polis and Sen. John Hickenlooper appeared personally to unveil plans for a new protected bike lane along the stretch.

"A roadside memorial for the site where Magnus White died is viewable on Google Maps.

"Michael spoke at the event as well, but his comments weren't all celebratory. He'd been told that because of the challenges of finding funding and approving a design for the project, the bike lane would take a total 16 years to complete — nearly as long as Magnus's life on Earth."

If you happen to be in Colorado on August 11, join the ride in person, but if not, join the virtual ride (instructions here) and then pay attention to our local plan - what's there and what's left out and what's already been sitting on the shelf - and push for better.

Tuesday, August 06, 2024

It's Walz. Let's go.

On Monday's @Progs4Harris organizing call, more than 100,000 people heard from politicians, union leaders, social justice organizers, anti-war activists, climate action advocates, students, elders, workers, parents, DNC uncommitted delegates, and more about why this election is make or break, life or death for the causes and programs we have been working for for decades. 

Now, the ticket is set with today's announcement that Minnesota governor Tim Walz will be the vice presidential candidate. And, it seems they are finally listening to people who want a robust, real campaign that speaks to the issues people feel.

Time is short and stakes are huge. 

Michael Moore gives a how-to lesson in his podcast episode, 93 Days to a Better World. Gaslit Nation has teamed up with Indivisible and Sister District to do weekly phone banking into "Republican-hostage states," and has a new, updated 2024 Survival Guide with many more actions and ideas. Third ActProgressive Tunrnout Project, Vote Forward, and other groups facilitate postcards and letters to voters programs to increase voter turnout. And the Harris campaign has donation and volunteer info at it's web site.

Progress 2025 must trump Project 2025. Bodily autonomy for women must win over governmental menstrual surveillance. Stronger climate action has to kill off drill, baby, drill. Fair taxes and enforcement has to beat more tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations. Full, protected LGBTQ+ rights have to prevail over plans to "gut queer and trans rights." Addressing the immigration issues at their source must not yield to xenophobia, lies, and hate. Union and worker rights have to be upheld, democratic institutions strengthened, and fair elections protected.

Act now before it's too late.


Saturday, August 03, 2024

August 7 - 19th Century Black La Crosse


Learn about the rich history of Black Americans in the La Crosse area during the 19th century at this Enduring Families Project program at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, August 7 at the La Crosse Public Library. 

Registration link coming soon!

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

For the planet


Join the outdoors, conservation and climate community for another Harris fundraising and volunteer call this Thursday, 8 ET / 5 PT Hosts and Speakers include: Bodhi Patil, Jade Begay, Renan Ozturk, Sierra Quitiquit, Jose Gonzalez, Timmy O’Neill, Sasha Digullian, Jody Potts, Conrad Anker, Terry Tempest Williams, Bill McKibben, Senator Tina Smith and more.

Click here to join session:


 City of La Crosse In-Person Absentee Voting for the

August 13, 2024 Partisan Primary Election

Tuesday, July 30 – Friday, August 9

Absentee voting is allowed ONLY during the posted hours below. 

Note the locations are by columns (in green) – voting is not available at each location every day.

More info at or if you live outside La Crosse.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Clean Energy Revolution - August 2

Friday, August 2, 9:30 a.m.

Get ready, because the Clean Energy REVolution Tour is coming to town, and we're celebrating our climate progress in style!

Join us for an exciting press event featuring inspirational speakers like Monica Kruse, from the La Crosse County Board Of Supervisors along with other climate leaders to rally for our cause.

Don’t miss out! Tour our 100% electric-powered RV, equipped with rooftop solar panels, and take the opportunity to record a personal video about why you're enthusiastic about the clean energy revolution. Help us spread the word on social media and grab a free tour t-shirt by arriving early.

The REV is more than just a vehicle; it represents the significant progress we’re making thanks to the historic Inflation Reduction Act and Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. These landmark policies are fueling a clean energy jobs boom, improving our air and water quality, and addressing the climate crisis head-on. As our communities face extreme weather, from intense heat and devastating storms to severe droughts and wildfires, it’s crucial to highlight the vital investments driving nationwide growth and opportunity. The Clean Energy REVolution Tour demonstrates how these investments are fostering healthier, safer communities through new climate and clean air standards.

Come along and bring a friend or two with you!

Sponsored by the Climate Action Campaign and our dedicated coalition of partners.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Active citizenship

Get involved:

THURSDAY, JULY 25: Climate and Clean Energy Leaders for our FUTURE. Kamala Harris Fundraiser + volunteer call THURSDAY at 7 p.m. Central. Bill McKibben, Ayana Elizabeth Johnson, Leah Stokes, Jade Begay, Saad Amer, Donnel Baird, and more... Stay tuned! Sign up here to participate:

WEDNESDAY, JULY 31: 96th Wisconsin Assembly District Candidate Forum hosted by the League of Women Voters of the La Crosse Area ONLINE from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. 
On Wednesday, July 31, the League of Women Voters of the La Crosse Area will sponsor a candidate forum between the Democratic candidates for the 96th WI Assembly District race in the 2024 Primary Election.  The forum will be live streamed at 6:30 p.m. on our LWVLA YouTube channel here 96th Assembly Primary Forum.  A recording of the forum will continue to be available for viewing on this channel and on our website .
On August 13, two candidates—Steve Campbell and Tara Johnson—compete in the 2024 Primary Election to be the Democratic Party's candidate in the November 5 General Election, running against the incumbent, Rep. Loren Oldenburg. Go to the League's online voter guide, VOTE411, to read both candidates' biographies and positions on selected issues.  
Members of the public are welcome to submit questions for the candidates at until July 30.

Earlier this year, Gov. Tony Evers signed legislation to establish new legislative maps for the state of Wisconsin. Those maps go into effect for the 2024 elections on August 13 and November 5.  The 96th Assembly District map will have new boundaries.

The new
96th includes southern La Crosse, Shelby, Viroqua, La Farge, Greenwood and more, with the district losing rural areas including Crawford and Monroe counties.

Be sure to go to to see if your polling place has been moved for this year's elections.


THURSDAY, AUGUST 1: Wisconsin Conservation Voters Party in the Park at Eckhart Park in Viroqua from 6 to 8 p.m.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

All about biking - July 19-22


UPDATE: Unfortunately, due to factors out of our control, the Teaching Safe Bicycling course on July 19, 2024 has been canceled. Other Wisconsin Bike Fed events will still be happening throughout the weekend including E-bike 101, Smart Cycling 101, and attendance at Disability Pride.

If you would still interested in the Teaching Safe Bicycling course or being involved in bike rodeos, please reach out to Jenna Dinkel ( for future information and to get involved. Thanks for your understanding. Please let me know if you have any questions.

The Wisconsin Bike Fed is taking to the road for lively and fun multi-day cycling education in La Crosse, Wisconsin. Anyone, whether they are new to cycling, a tenured commuter, or an educator looking for more teaching tools, is encouraged to attend. We are working with some amazing community partners so that these programs can be free and open to the public. Everyone is invited to brush up on their bicycling knowledge, have some fun, and meet fellow cyclists in the La Crosse community.

Find more info at the links below and make sure to register ahead of time so we can stay in communication with you and plan accordingly.

July 19th: Teaching Safe Bicycling @ Black River Beach Neighborhood Ctr, 1433 Rose St.  9a-3p

  • This course sets out to train-the-trainer by offering participants the skills and on-course practice they need to teach safe cycling techniques to children.

July 20th: Disability Pride @ Central High School, 1801 Losey Blvd S. 11a-4p

  • Cycling without Age will join the Disability Action Network (DAN) for Disability Pride to promote inclusion and highlight the value of people with disabilities in the La crosse community and beyond.

July 21st: E-Bike 101 @ Wrench and Roll Collective 1200 Caledonia St. 4:30p

  • Celebrating cycling in all forms, this course goes over the basics of electric biking, including how to choose an e-bike, safety and maintenance, and on road and path etiquette. 

July 22nd: Smart Cycling 101 @ UW La Crosse Recreational Eagle Ctr, 1600 Farwell St. 2-7p

  • This course is a great way to brush up on the skills and information needed for city and country riding alike. We discuss the basics of bike maintenance, rules of the road, on-bike skills, and crash avoidance techniques. Then we hit the road for a bicycle ride to put it all into practice.

Find more information on cycling related events across the state all year round at

Friday, July 12, 2024

When Rubber Hits the Road



FRIDAY, JULY 19 * 7:30 p.m. * RIVOLI

In January 1991, Eau Claire, Wisconsin's Uniroyal tire plant employees received devastating news: after 75 years of manufacturing tires, the plant was scheduled to close.  As the city struggled to overcome the loss of its largest employer, the former employees struggled to find their footing in a quickly changing world.  What would happen next was anyone’s guess.  But if the city hoped to survive, it was up to its citizens to figure out how.

When Rubber Hits the Road is more than a story about tires.  It’s the story of a Midwestern city’s attempt to reinvent itself in the wake of America’s manufacturing decline.  It’s a blueprint, too, for how a community can bounce back—when people commit themselves to embracing change.

Following the film, join filmmakers B.J. Hollars and Steve Dayton for a conversation and Q&A about the making of the documentary.

View trailer and get tickets HERE: