Wednesday, October 21, 2020

10/28: Voices of Black Youth


There was a problem with the link that was sent out earlier for the registration for the
Oct 28th 6 pm Amplifying the Voices of Black Youth & Their Parents in the La Crosse Area.  
If you did not get an email from Arlette Rodriguez-Miller, Executive Director (director of the Greater La Crosse Area Diversity Council) confirming your registration, your registration is probably not valid.  You may need to register AGAIN using the link below.
Sorry for the confusion.   



Join us in this pressing educational program unveiling the perspectives of black youth and their parents in the La Crosse area. 

The recent murders of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and Breonna Taylor brought forth national protests against long-standing police brutality and systemic racism that permeates our country. 

In the La Crosse area, multiple protests have been organized by local Black youth who shared their perspectives of experiencing racism, bullying, and stereotyping in our community from a very young age.

This event will facilitate discussion and understanding on a film intended to amplify the voices of the La Crosse area black youth and their parents, to engage our community in necessary conversations about bias, racism, and privilege. 

We challenge our community to change the environment, policies and practices that disproportionately impact black youth and their families.  

This educational event will be Part I.  Part II details are yet to be determined. Participants will be informed as the date is confirmed. 

Click on the link below to register at no cost.

We look forward to having you join at this virtual event. 
Arlette Rodriguez-Miller
Executive Director
Greater La Crosse Area Diversity Council

Monday, October 12, 2020

Taking a break

I'm taking some time off from regular updates. I'll still post calendar stuff if people send it or fill out the form.

Tuesday, October 06, 2020

Voting in Our Community


Local community organizers from the ACLU of WI, Driftless Voter Coalition, Black Leaders Acquiring Collective Knowledge (B.L.A.C.K.), Cia Siab, PPAWI, NextGen, Vote Mob, and Leaders Igniting Transformation will be sharing their voter outreach efforts, how to request an absentee ballot, basic voting info, the power of the youth vote, and many other ways to actively engage in uplifting our community. Flyer also attached.

Rights for All - Voting in Our Community
Wednesday, October 7th at 6:00 p.m. 

Monday, October 05, 2020

October 13 - check your ballot for climate

On Tuesday, October 13, 2020, the League of Women Voters of Dane County (LWVDC) will present a Virtual Public Issues Forum titled, Check Your Ballot for Climate. Learn how voters are influenced by their global climate crisis concerns, how they evaluate candidates in relation to their environmental positions and what climate and environmental activists are doing locally to ‘get out the vote.’

Click this Link to register for the virtual event. Registrants will be sent a link a few days before the event. Supplemental resources can be found here.

Climate change’s slow burn throws scientific facts in the face of human emotions and social behaviors, leaving many elected leaders trapped in a collective paralyzation procrastination cycle. Votes for climate offer a way to break this cycle. Many voters now recognize that climate change means more than the destruction of polar bears, elephants and corals (yes, corals are animals). It threatens our health, property, values and ultimately, freedoms. 

“…when I think of climate change I think of mental health, wars, poverty, people dying," UW Madison student Stephanie Salgado, who is serving as a member of the Governor’s Task Force on Climate Change and is co-founder of Wisconsin’s Youth Climate Action Team (YCAT). 

Salgado will join Jennifer Giegerich, Government Affairs Director for Wisconsin Conservation Voters and moderator and LWVDC member Carol Barford, Director of the Center for Sustainability and the Global Environment (SAGE) at UW-Madison in this constructive exploration of voting as it relates to the climate crisis.

“Climate change is affecting every aspect of our lives,"
says Giegerich, "and voters have a great opportunity to learn about the policies that decision-makers will be considering at the local, state, and federal levels to address this critical issue.”

Check Your Ballot for Climate is designed to help voters concerned about climate issues, eco- anxiety and the upcoming election find answers. Virtual attendees will be encouraged to pose their own questions to our featured speakers during the event. The program begins at 7:00 p.m. and is free and open to the public.

Click this Link to register for the virtual event. Registrants will be sent a link a few days before the event. Supplemental resources can be found here.

Thursday, October 01, 2020

October 6 Public Input on Policing


The Criminal Justice Management Council (CJMC), the City of La Crosse, and other organizational partners will be inviting the public and community members to provide feedback on the need for and formation of a  citizen oversight board  on local policing. You can also share feedback via email if you are unable to attend the virtual sessions: .

Date: Tuesday, October 6th, 2020
Listening Sessions: 

12:00 PM

+1 262-683-8845   Call in number

Conference ID: 983 558 824#

6:00 PM

+1 262-683-8845   Call in number

Conference ID: 864 022 908#

Hope to see you there to share your input, feedback, and thoughts on what this should look like in our community!