Wednesday, September 30, 2015

The nightmare continues

You may have heard of the new Republican scheme to change our state's civil service jobs system. Well, it's getting a "hearing" on Wednesday, October 6 (though, don't hold your breath if hours of testimony against it does nothing to change it). 

This from WI AFL-CIO: 

Gov. Walker and Republicans in Madison are wasting no time in their plot to dismantle Wisconsin’s landmark civil service law. Our current civil service system is designed to ensure fairness and integrity in the hiring and firing of all state employees. The proposals being debated in Madison would break our system, inserting politics and paving the way for political favoritism, givebacks and corruption. 

Make your voice heard. Attend the Senate Committee on Labor and Government Reform hearing on LRB-2783/1 (State Civil Service Reform Bill) this Tuesday, October 6, in the state Capitol in Madison.  You can also send a message to your legislators by clicking here.

Hearing Details:
Room 411 South, State Capitol 
- Morning session: 8:30 a.m. to 11:50 a.m. 
- BREAK (looks like they don’t want working people to testify on their lunch hour)
- Afternoon session: 2:15 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Elected officials need to hear from you and be held accountable to their constituents.
Contact your legislators and tell them what you think of rigging our civil service system so that political friends and buddies get preferential treatment. Click here to send an email message to your state lawmakers today

We cannot let these changes go unchecked. Together, we will let politicians in Madison know that the people are watching and will not sit back silently while our state’s long-standing and transparent civil service system is hijacked to benefit political cronyism. 

Let’s keep the politics out of civil service


The good news is that a new Wisconsin poll shows Walker's support the lowest ever. The bad news is that 37% per cent of our fellow Wisconsinites approve of Scott Walker. Who ARE these people?

Friday, September 25, 2015

LaX 4 Bernie News - Fuel the Bern #8

September 25, 2015  [UPDATED 9/27 WITH YARD SIGN IMAGES - BELOW]

Feelin' the Bern in La Crescent, 9/20 (photo by Kendra)

[Note: if ever a sign up link doesn't work, just go to and search by zip code 54601.]

Ongoing Tabling Need one or two people on the following dates:

SATURDAY MORNINGS – tomorrow, 10/10, 10/17, 10/24 and 10/31 any time before 1 p.m. (like 11 to 1) AND FRIDAY 10/30 any time it's light! Sign up at Everything provided. If you want some training before you sign up, have trouble using the sign up site, or have any questions, please email Cathy.

MARCH 4 BERNIE - OKTOBERFEST TORCHLIGHT PARADE Thursday, October 1 from about 6:30 to 9 p.m. March with the La Crosse County Democratic Party. Lighted signs and shirts will be a bonus! Sign up here:

MARCH 4 BERNIE - OKTOBERFEST MAPLE LEAF PARADE - Saturday, October 3 from about 9:30 to about 1 p.m. March with the La Crosse County Democrats. This is BIG. Bring your own candy if you want to hand that out (along with your Bernie flyers - provided!) Sign up here:

DEBATE WATCH PARTY! Tuesday, October 13, time and location TBA. Let's make this July 29 x 10! Invite your friends and neighbors! Seeking large room with wifi that is not expensive. If you know of someplace, please email Cathy! RSVP here:

LETTER TO EDITOR TEAM Ongoing Write a letter to the editor in support of Bernie! Join the team to help others write their letters, write template letters for others to use, or get writing or editing advice from team members. Email to join the team or send you draft letter for editing help!


IOWA ACTION WEEKEND October 2-4. Sign up here to travel to Iowa for lit drops, canvassing, helping with organizing, making signs, setting up debate watching parties and more. I believe housing (probably a couch or living room floor) and possibly food will be provided.

PHONE BANKING FOR BERNIE Residents of NEW YORK must be registered as Democrats in order to vote for Bernie in their primary and they must register by October 9. It's critical to get a big Bernie turnout in NY because they have so many delegates to the nominating convention. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT! If you can help, go here to get info, instructions, and numbers:

One side is blue
One side is white
Reminder - Bernie YARD SIGNS (not official, but union made) are available from Wisconsin organizers. Prices $5 each WITH WIRES or $4 each WITHOUT WIRES. One dollar discount per sign if we order 11+ in each category. Pay when you pick up your signs (in La Crosse). Order here by October 4!!!! [We will also be getting OFFICIAL Bernie yard signs later in October. They will cost $10 each when they arrive.]

VOTER REGISTRATION TRAINING Get trained to register voters in the City of La Crosse at a two hour session on October 20 at 5:30 p.m. in the third floor conference room at La Crosse City Hall (400 La Crosse Street). YOU MUST REGISTER BY calling Teri Lehrke, City Clerk, at 789-7556. Voter registration is a non-partisan activity, but the more people registering people to vote, the better.

THE COUNTY DEMOCRATIC PARTY will elect new officers later this year. Some of us are party members and some are not. If you aren't but would like to be, now is the time to join and help elect the candidates who understand what needs to change.


HMONG NEW YEAR (9/19-9/20) Thanks to John, James, Cathy and Cathy for tabling at Hmong New Year last weekend. Thanks to Obbie and Roz Z for working with Dr. Bee to translate some materials. Thanks, too, to donors who made the tabling and translations possible! We made several connections at this event including a couple of Hmong newspaper publishers.

KING APPLE PARADE (9/20) from Kendra We had a beautiful day for marching in the King Apple Parade on Sunday with the Houston Co DFL. We ended up with eight locals and seven more carpooling from Rochester, MN. The Rochester bunch brought a great big Bernie banner and a unicyclist - really great attention grabber! Two suggestions for others doing local parades is to have some succinct chants worked out ahead of time and a set number of times to repeat them (4-5 is good). We didn't have much candy to hand out, but stickers were a big hit. I printed sheets of address labels with the Bernie logo- had had 200 and could have used twice that at least. Our most enthusiastic parade-going supporters were high school/college kids, our group was asked to pose with our signs for several queen floats and a marching band trombonist. Our DFL hosts seemed more at ease with our number of supporters when a few volunteers offered to hold a local politician's sign as well or put their stickers on our shirts. We had a few folks ask if we had extra shirts/signs/anything for sale that day and several folks who needed paper handouts as they are not on the web at all.

LETTER TO THE EDITOR WRITING WORKSHOP (9/24) Five writers attended our first workshop. At least three and a half letters were written! We discussed scheduling and coordinating submissions, teaming up to encourage and help more letter writers, submitting letters to other regional publications, and holding future workshops. If you are planning to write a letter, want help writing one, want to join the team to help others or have any LttE writing questions, please email Get tips from the shared drive:

HELP LAX4BERNIE GROW! Do you know people in our area who want to help elect Bernie Sanders? Please have them email to be put on the mailing list and get information about local activities and opportunities to help or forward this newsletter to them.

SEEKING A COUPLE OF CO-ORGANIZERS!  It would be very helpful if two or three people could help keep our activities organized - participate in state conference calls, help set up events, help put together this newsletter, keep track of our local mailing list, etc. Having a team will help if someone is ill or otherwise unable to maintain the local organizing. If you have a few hours a week to spare on one or more of these or other organizing tasks, please email Cathy. 

COOLEST BERNIE SITE OF THE WEEK: If you missed Bernie on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, you should watch it. But this INTRO by Colbert is hilarious.

* Daily Kos Bernie News Roundup (search BNR at
* Reddit
* Bernie's site

Monday, September 21, 2015

Events you should know about

Several events coming up in our area that might be of interest to Coulee Progressives:

Mission to Gaza: A Surgeon's Journey 

Dr. Ahmad Nassr is a spinal surgeon and Associate Professor of Orthopedic Surgery at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN.   Dr. Nassr has been involved as a visiting surgeon working with the Palestinian Childrens Relief Fund (PCRF) since 2011. He is currently on his sixth surgical mission trips to care for underserved children in the Gaza Strip and West Bank in the Palestinian occupied territories. He will discuss the details of these trips and the current medical situation in Gaza on Tuesday, September 29, 7pm at UW-LaCrosse Cartwright Center, Ward Room, Cartwright Center (State Street & Campbell Rd), UWL.


Multicultural and Diversity Calendar of Events includes

September 22 - The Quest for our Work that Matters with Wes Moore, author of "The Other Wes Moore" and PBS host (Coming Back). 7 pm Fine Arts Center, Viterbo University. Tickets = FREE

September 23 - No más bebés Dir. Renee Tajima-Peña. A film presented by the students of Mujeres Orgullosas. A discussion will follow facilitated by Dr. Nicholas Villanueva (UWL Department of Ethnic and Racial Studies) and Dr. Julia McReynolds-Pérez (UWL Department of Sociology).  5 pm Graff Main Hall Auditorium, UWL FREE

September 28 - LGBTQ Discrimination in the workplace and enforcement protections for LGBT employees. 3 to 4 pm English Lutheran Church, 16th and King. More info from 7 Rivers LGBTQ Connection.

September 29 - Cultural Coffee Hour at UW-L: The United Kingdom. 5 to 6 pm Hall of Nations, Centennial Hall, UW-L. FREE

September 30 - A conversation with Dr. Hilda Lloréns author of Imaging The Great Puerto Rican Family: Framing Nation, Race and Gender during the American Century. Noon, UWL - check link for location details. FREE

September 30 - Out in America presented by UW-L Pride Center. 7 pm Room 337 Cartwright Center. FREE 

October 6 - Building better care within multicultural communities conference. 8 am to 5 pm Rasmus Center, Gundersen Health System. Click link to register.

October 6 - Tibet's Stolen Child sponsored by UW-L Students for a Free Tibet. 7 pm 1309 Centennial Hall, UW-L. FREE

October 12 - National Coming Out Day. Noon Clock Tower, UW-L

October 12 - Indigenous People's Day Celebration of Music and Culture featuring Wade Fernandez (Wiciwen Apis-Mahwaew) 5:30 to 7 pm Graff Main Hall Auditorium, UWL

October 14 - Diversity and Exclusion? Anti-Black Racism and the Challenges of Diversity Work 7:30 pm 1309 Centennial Hall, UWL FREE

October 15 - Tasha Schuh: Little is Huge 7 pm Valhalla, Cartwright Center, UWL 

Friday, September 18, 2015

LaX 4 Bernie News - Fuel the Bern #7

September 18, 2015

THIS JUST IN:  Training for VAN (Voter Activation Network) will be Tuesday, September 22 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Carpenters Union Hall,  2421 Larson St., a couple of blocks south of where the old Humane Society building was in the industrial park. Bring a laptop if you can. This is very important resource that will help identify voters and get out the vote next spring. If interested (space is limited), please contact JD Wine, chair, La Crosse County Democratic Party by Monday, Sept. 21.

BERNIE IN MASON CITY, IA ON 9/27!! Mason City is about 2.5 hours from La Crosse. Road trip? More details here:

[Note: if ever a sign up link doesn't work, just go to and search by zip code 54601.]

Ongoing Tabling We could really use a few NEW people to sign up for a slot tabling at Cameron Park! We still have several slots open (Friday evening or Saturday morning) through the end of October. The table and all you need (including instructions) are provided and easy to set up. As the weather turns cooler, you can table when it's most comfortable for you! Any time is better than no time. It's very easy and if you go with a friend it's a pleasant way to spend a couple of hours. And you can shop for great food when you are done! Sign up at If you want some training before you sign up, have trouble using the sign up site, or have any questions, please email Cathy.

TABLE for Bernie at Hmong New Year! (CRUSA Fields for Kids (2400 Hauser St) any time between 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. either day, Saturday, September 19 or Sunday, September 20.) We DO have a table now (thanks anonymous donors!) Please stop by the BERNIE TABLE in the MAIN TENT. Check in with whoever is sitting there, or if no one is there, tidy up the table if it needs it. BRING YOUR OWN CHAIR if you plan to sit at the table. This is a great opportunity to support our Hmong friends and neighbors, enjoy amazing music, dancing, arts, culture, food, sports and more PLUS spread the word about Bernie. This is an official Bernie event! RSVP here for Saturday: and here for Sunday:

MARCH for Bernie in the Applefest Parade! Sunday, September 20 from 1 to 3:30 p.m. Wear your BERNIE gear (we have signs or bring your own!) and march with the Houston County DFL party for BERNIE. This is an official Bernie event! RSVP here:

LETTER to the EDITOR WRITING WORKSHOP Thursday, September 24 any time between 5:45 and 7:45 p.m. at La Crosse Public Library, 800 Main St., La Crosse. We need letters to the editor about BERNIE! Before you come, pick ONE thing you like about Bernie, you like about his position, you think is important for the next president to address. We will have paper, pencils, a couple of laptops (bring your own if you wish), and help with researching, honing and editing. If you want, read this good HOW TO WRITE A LETTER TO THE EDITOR article before you come. RSVP here:

MARCH 4 BERNIE - OKTOBERFEST TORCHLIGHT PARADE Thursday, October 1 from about 6:30 to 9 p.m. March with the La Crosse County Democratic Party. Lighted signs and shirts will be a bonus! Signup here:

MARCH 4 BERNIE - OKTOBERFEST MAPLE LEAF PARADE - Saturday, October 3 from about 9:30 to about 1 p.m. March with the La Crosse County Democrats. This is BIG. Bring your own candy if you want to hand that out (along with your Bernie flyers - provided!) Signup here:
DEBATE WATCH PARTY! Tuesday, October 13, time and location TBA. This is the first of VERY FEW “debates” among Democratic presidential candidates and it will be broadcast on CNN so if you are like hundreds of thousands of American who do not have cable or satellite or high speed, unlimited data internet access, this is about the only way you will be able to watch this very important program (if you think something is wrong that you have to PAY to watch presidential candidates debate the issues, join the club!) As soon as we know the time, we will set up a location. In the meantime, RSVP here:

OTHER EVENTS - Fighting Bob Fest is TOMORROW. If you plan to go, it may not be too late to see about getting a ride or carpooling with Jack(logos2010[at] 
IOWA ACTION WEEKEND October 2-4. Sign up here to travel to Iowa for lit drops, canvassing, helping with organizing, making signs, setting up debate watching parties and more. I believe housing (probably a couch or living room floor) and possibly food will be provided. 
STATE ORGANIZING UPDATE - State organizers are trying to identify at least one person in each county to make sure we can reach every voter in Wisconsin. If you know of people around the state who would be good Bernie organizers, please contact Rev.John Stanley at If you would like to be a liaison between LaCrosse4Bernie and the state organizers, please contact Rev. Stanley and Cathy.

Also, Bernie YARD SIGNS (not official, but union made) are available from Wisconsin organizers. Prices $5 each WITH WIRES or $4 each WITHOUT WIRES. One dollar discount per sign if we order 11+ in each category. Pay when you pick up your signs (in La Crosse). Order here. [We will also be getting OFFICIAL Bernie yard signs later in October. They will cost $10 each when they arrive.]

VOTER REGISTRATION TRAINING. Get trained to register voters in the City of La Crosse. See last week's newsletter (below) for details.

STUDENTS FOR BERNIE! If you are a UW-L student, please email William at wjm2016b[at] or call 608 618-3189 to get connected to the UW-L Bernie group. If you are OR KNOW a Viterbo or WTC student interested in organizing at that campus, please email Cathy
LAX4BERNIE TEAMS - Time for the TEAMS to GET ACTIVE! Who will set up the next event? Who will organize a letter to the editor party? Who will look for supplies for upcoming canvassing? Who will help set up some canvassing activities? OUTREACH, MEDIA, HOME, and CANVASSING teams are up and running. To join one or more, please email Cathy.

HELP LAX4BERNIE GROW! Do you know people in our area who want to help elect Bernie Sanders? Please have them email to be put on the mailing list and get information about local activities and opportunities to help or forward this newsletter to them.

COOLEST BERNIE SITE OF THE WEEK: Read and watch the speech Bernie gave at LAST YEAR'S Fighting Bob Fest! 
* Daily Kos Bernie News Roundup (search BNR at
* Bernie's site

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

UPDATE on Bernie events coming up

Here are some NEW BERNIE EVENTS AND NEWS about current events:

Hmong New Year - this Saturday and Sunday, 9/19-20 from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. each day. Thanks to some generous donors, WE WILL HAVE A DISPLAY TABLE in the MAIN TENT. If you signed up for this event (or if you plan to sign up for it), you may sit at the table for part or all of the time you are there OR you can direct people to our table for literature. The table does not have to be staffed, but if you think you will want to sit there for a bit, PLEASE BRING YOUR OWN CHAIR! Sign up here for Saturday: and sign up here for Sunday:

Applefest King Apple Parade in La Crescent - this Sunday, 9/20 from about 12:30 to about 3:30 p.m.  Right now there is only ONE person signed up to march in this parade! If you can spare the time (even PART of the time), it would be excellent to have a good sized Bernie contingent. Minnesota is a very important early state. Sign up here if you can make it:

Letter to the Editor Writing Workshop - Thursday, 9/24 from 5:45 to 7:45 in the basement of the Main Public Library. If you want help generating a good letter for the La Crosse Tribune and/or other local papers, come to this workshop (any time - but arrive by at least 7:15 please). Sign up here:

Torchlight Parade - Thursday, 10/1 from about 6:30 to 9 p.m. March with the La Crosse County Democratic Party. Lighted signs and shirts will be a bonus! Sign up here:

Maple Leaf Parade - Saturday, 10/3 from about 9:30 to about 1 p.m. March with the La Crosse County Democrats. This is BIG. Bring your own candy if you want to hand that out (along with your Bernie flyers - provided!) Sign up here:

Friday, September 11, 2015

LaX 4 Bernie - Fuel the Bern #6

September 11, 2015


[Note: if ever a sign up link doesn't work, just go to and search by zip code 54601.]

MINGLE for Bernie at PRIDE Fest! (Riverside Park any time between 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Saturday, September 12) Wear your Bernie shirt, hat, and/or buttons. Wear an “Ask me about BERNIE” button and hand out lit (we provide button/flyers) to people who ask. Support diversity in our community, enjoy some good food and vibes, and spread the word about Bernie, a strong ally and supporter of the LGBTQ community for decades. This is an official Bernie event! RSVP here: Come and get your button/lit at the Bernie table at Cameron Park on Saturday morning between 9:30 and 11:30 a.m.

Ongoing Tabling We could really use a few NEW people to sign up for a slot tabling at Cameron Park! We still have several slots open (Friday evening or Saturday morning) through the end of October. The table and all you need (including instructions) are provided and easy to set up. You will be helping get Bernie's name and message out to people. It's very easy and if you go with a friend it's a pleasant way to spend a couple of hours. And you can shop for great food when you are done! Sign up at If you want some training before you sign up, have trouble using the sign up site, or have any questions, please email Cathy.

MINGLE for Bernie at Hmong New Year! (CRUSA Fields for Kids (2400 Hauser St) any time between 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. either day, Saturday, September 19 or Sunday, September 20.) Wear an “Ask me about BERNIE” button and hand out lit (we provide button/flyers) to people who ask. This is a great opportunity to support our Hmong friends and neighbors, enjoy amazing music, dancing, arts, culture, food, sports and more PLUS spread the word about Bernie. This is an official Bernie event! RSVP here for Saturday: and here for Sunday:

MARCH for Bernie in the Applefest Parade! Sunday, September 20 from 1 to 3:30 p.m. Wear your BERNIE gear (we have signs or bring your own!) This is an official Bernie event! RSVP here:

LETTER to the EDITOR WRITING WORKSHOP Thursday, September 24 any time between 5:45 and 7:45 p.m. at La Crosse Public Library, 800 Main St., La Crosse. We need letters to the editor about BERNIE! Before you come, pick ONE thing you like about Bernie, you like about his position, you think is important for the next president to address. We will have paper, pencils, a couple of laptops (bring your own if you wish), and help with researching, honing and editing. If you want, read this good HOW TO WRITE A LETTER TO THE EDITOR article before you come. RSVP here:

DEBATE WATCH PARTY! Tuesday, October 13, time and location TBA. This is the first of VERY FEW “debates” among Democratic presidential candidates and it will be broadcast on CNN so if you are like hundreds of thousands of American who do not have cable or satellite or high speed, unlimited data internet access, this is about the only way you will be able to watch this very important program (if you think something is wrong that you have to PAY to watch presidential candidates debate the issues, join the club!) As soon as we know the time, we will set up a location. In the meantime, RSVP here:

More Leafleting If you'd like to drop leaflets in your neighborhood, Cathy can help you set up a walk route. Quarter page two-sided leaflets are available - $3 per 100 flyers. We will try to get group leafleting organized by October. If anyone would like to help set up routes, please email Cathy.
OTHER EVENTS - Fighting Bob Fest will be on Saturday, September 19 in Madison. Many great progressive speakers (Russell Feingold and Ed Schultz, for example). Bernie has spoken at FBF before but so far he's not on the list. If you plan to go and want to car pool, email Jack (logos2010[at]

LABOR DAY PARADE - We had a great turnout on Monday. More than a dozen BERNIE marchers, nearly half of the Democratic party contingent, marched and gave out candy and flyers. Some of us stayed at Labor Fest where we signed up more people to the La Crosse 4 Bernie group. (Thanks to Jackie and James for photos). 
WE ARE GETTING STUFF! - Thanks to a few generous donors(This will be stored at LaX4Bernie HQ (Jackie's) and may be signed out for events. Some things can be given out and for others, we would want a donation with that money circulated back into another order. Items will be clearly marked and we'll let you know when stuff comes. In the mean time, you can always get your own stuff at the Bernie store:

VOTER REGISTRATION TRAINING. Get trained to register voters in the City of La Crosse (this training may also be accepted in other jurisdictions, but you will have to check with each clerk to make sure). There is a two hour session on October 20 at 5:30 p.m. in the third floor conference room at La Crosse City Hall (400 La Crosse Street). To sign up, call Teri Lehrke, City Clerk, at 789-7556. Voter registration is a non-partisan activity, but the more people registering people to vote, the better.

If you have already been certified by attending one of the earlier sessions, there is an opportunity for you to also be certified to register City of Onalaska voters by attending a workshop on Thursday, September 24 at 1 p.m. in Onalaska. If you wish to attend this training, please email Cathy no later than September 22 for details.

STUDENTS FOR BERNIE! If you are a UW-L student, please email William at wjm2016b[at] or call 608 618-3189 to get connected to the UW-L Bernie group. If you are OR KNOW a Viterbo or WTC student interested in organizing at that campus, please email Cathy
LAX4BERNIE TEAMS - Time for the TEAMS to GET ACTIVE! Who will set up the next event? Who will organize a letter to the editor party? Who will look for supplies for upcoming canvassing? Who will help set up some canvassing activities? OUTREACH, MEDIA, HOME, and CANVASSING teams are up and running. To join one or more, please email Cathy.

HELP LAX4BERNIE GROW! Do you know people in our area who want to help elect Bernie Sanders? Please have them email to be put on the mailing list and get information about local activities and opportunities to help or forward this newsletter to them.

COOLEST BERNIE SITE OF THE WEEK: Bernie Sanders 2016 Songs - a YouTube list of about 40 songs for Bernie's campaign from homemade to pro. I think my favorites are Tony Tig's rap Feel the Bern and Windborne Music's Give Bernie Sanders Your Vote.

* Daily Kos Bernie News Roundup (seach BNR at
* Reddit Sanders for President (
* Bernie's site!