Tuesday, December 01, 2015

NEWS (and links) you can USE!

Several Coulee Climate group members have been forwarding great links about the COP21 conference and related world, national and regional isues. Here they are for your info and use (like a letter to the editor?). Please forward more links/news and we'll try to post new links every few days.
Send links to couleeprogressive.

First, this 2014 story from Mother Jones - We're 20 years from catastrophe per Price-Waterhouse

Politico.EU: COP21 - Everything you need to know

WaPo: Obama urges world action on climate change

The Atlantic: The fate of the world lies between the brackets

Democracy Now!: The Paris agreement will see the planet burn

The Atlantic: The difference two degrees makes

NYT: India pivotal in Obama's climate legacy

Reuters: France and India look to the sun

C40 Cities: Climate leadership from the world's mayors

Climate Reality Project: These five videos explain COP21

Mother Jones: Use this cheat sheet to win every climate argument

TruthDig: Clean energy gathers steam

New Republic: COP21's huge carbon footprint

Climate Desk: If ISIS had a bomb that could put the east coast underwater ...

Also ...

An important film series - RACING EXTINCTION - documenting the human-caused "sixth extinction" is starting tomorrow on the Discovery Channel. Would anyone be interested in putting together a community screening some time in early 2016?


Wisconsin Farmers' Union and the Wisconsin Towns Association are sponsoring a FRAC SAND MINING CONFERENCE on Monday, December 14 in Eau Claire. More and registration info here. (Register by 12/8 for $25).


Monday, November 30, 2015


About 40 people came to STAND UP FOR THE PLANET on Sunday, November 29. Great signs and great ideas. Thanks to Kathy for setting things up, Ken for the news release, WXOW for covering the event, Greeengrass Cafe (1904 Campbell Road) for staying open late so the group could meet afterward, and all of us for showing up!

 Our NEXT event will be on Saturday, December 12. We'll meet at 2 p.m. at the "Burger King corner" - where La Crosse Street meets Copeland Avenue/Fourth Street. Bring your sign (and, if you can, bring one or two new people!) Organizers Jacob and Avery have a spot for us to meet up afterward to plan our next action(s).

PLEASE SIGN UP FOR THE DECEMBER 12 EVENT and share the sign up link: tinyurl.com/laxclimatemarch2   Here's a link to the FB event. Please tweet, share, and spread the word.

And be thinking of what local changes we can make/encourage/demand to reduce La Crosse's CO2 emissions.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Stand Up for the Planet

Today marks the start of the 21st yearly session of the Conference of the Parties to the 1992 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) called COP21. That's TWENTY-ONE years of talking about what to do about catastrophic climate change. Meanwhile, catastrophic climate change has not stopped to wait for us puny humans to decide what to do.

* Sea levels are rising faster than predicted in some parts of the world
* Artic ice levels have dropped dramatically
* This is the hottest year ever

Today's marches around the world are calls for world leaders to get it together and make an agreement that will actually start to turn things around.

That's easy - we march and wave signs. They change.

But what if we have to do more than march and wave signs? What if they can't change?

In the US, there is not one Republican presidential candidate who will even concede that human's are causing the climate to change let alone who has a plan to address it. Republicans, who have majorities in both the House and the Senate, have spent much of their last year tryig to defeat even the modest measures President Obama has taken in Executive Orders. Their current target is the Clean Power Plan. Electing a Republican president in 2016 could unravel everything. So, even if the Obama administration agrees to strong and reasonable goals in Paris, there's no guarantee they will ever come to fruition.

And, then you have the TPP, which Naomi Klein has called, "A grave threat to climate action." The same "green" President Obama working to curb greenhouse gas emissions through the Clean Power Plan is pushing for the Trans Pacific Partnership, which, according to a multitude of environmental groups, will dramatically threaten our ability to combate climate change? Where are the leaders?

Front runner Democratic party candidate Hillary Clinton has not agreed to  350.org's candidate pledge to not take money from fossil fuel interests and in fact her campaign in, according to the environmental blog DailyGrist, "raking in money" from them. Only candidates Bernie Sanders (who is the best candidate on climate change issues according to Climate Hawks Vote), Martin O'Malley, and Green candidate, Dr. Jill Stein have signed that pledge.

So, what if this leaves things to the people? Who is working to make a real difference and how can we join together to amplify our voices and efforts? (And it's going to take more than "liking" a group's Facebook page, too).

National groups are listed at the website of the CLIMATE ACTION NETWORK.

Local groups working on climate change related issues (please email to have your group added to this list):

Citizens Climate Lobby (La Crosse) (email for info) is having it's monthly meeting on Wednesday, December 9 at 6:30 p.m. at the Unitarian Universalist building, 401 West Avenue South.

Coulee Region Sierra Club meets monthly and is connected to the state's John Muir chapter which is working on several climate related initiatives, including its Solar Homes project and Beyond Coal to Clean Energy initiatives.

Coulee Partners for Sustainability - "promoting lifestyles that are environmentally sustainable, economically viable, and socially just."

Friends of the La Crosse Marsh - working to maintain the health of this precious and unique resource and protect it from encroachment and degradation by rail lines, highways, and other endeavors. 

Hillview Urban Agriculture Center - "creat[ing] a healthy community by transforming our Coulee Region food system to one that is sustainable, local and accessible."

Houston County Government Accountability Project - This group began with efforts to oppose the wholesale exporting of Houson County via unlimited frac sand mines but has evolve to work on changing and improving local government by mobilizing public outrage, anger and activism.

Frac sand mining issues in Wisconsin, including Trempealeau County, are covered by the Save the Hills Alliance and documented in the blog, Contested Landscapes (this article is particularly good and documenting how local politicians are won over to frac activities and what citizens opposed to frac sand mines are up against). 

La Crosse Area Transit Advocates (LATA) - a NEW group FORMING NOW (email if interested) to support the La Crosse Municipal Transit Utility and advocate for more and better public transportation options and service the city and the region. We will affiliate with the Wisconsin Transit Riders Alliance and work with city, county and regional groups and departments. Organizational meeting will be in January 2016.

Livable Neighborhoods (La Crosse) - " to improve and promote the livability of all neighborhoods in the La Crosse area."

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

This Changes Everything report

Thank you to the 100+ people who purchased tickets to tonight's screening of This Changes Everything. At tt his link you can find more information about the specific stories followed in the film.

Several people asked about how to show the film to others. This link will give you that info. It is now available for on-demand streaming and there are new community screenings being set up every day. If you have a venue already, you can contact the film producers about screening rights. If you don't have a venue already, I recommend going through Tugg - you don't have to pay for anything (theater, screening rights) up front - that is all taken care of through ticket sales.

About twenty of us repaired to Overtime Sports Bar to talk about what we can do in our communities to highlight the issues in the film and our own issues. Some people decided to try putting together a community action to highlight the upcoming and CRITICALLY IMPORTANT climate talks in Paris in late November/early December.

If you are interested in joining the planning, please attend the meeting TOMORROW at 1:30 p.m. at the First Congregational Church (corner of Main Street and Losey Boulevard).

UPDATE: This event has already been scheduled! Let's do it!

Sunday, November 29, 2:00 PM Myrick Park (upper parking lot)
2000 La Crosse St.
La Crosse, WI 54601
Be a part of the global movement to show world and local leaders that it's time to take serious action on climate change! We need to leave fossil fuels in the ground and transition to renewable energy, for the sake of the planet and all its residents!

Another important meeting is next Tuesday's Coulee Region Sierra Club meeting - Nov. 24 at 7 p.m. at the Ho-Chunk House (corner of 8th and Main) in La Crosse. You do not have to be a member to attend. The Wisconsin DOT will present their plans to force a road through the marsh whether we want it or not.

Our issues included frac sand mining, oil trains, war, poverty, inequality, corruption in politics, renewable energy, cooperatives, quality of life issues, protecting the river, encouraging and supporting young people's involvement in the movements. We encouraged each other to stay involved and not give up.
Beyond that, we discussed the importance of banding together at all levels, continually looking for new members and new connections in person and through social media. 

The reality of climate change is that CO2 emissions and soot must be dramatically reduced as soon as possible. In the US, burning fossil fuels to produce electricity and driving are the majority of CO2 emissions. So whatever we can do to affect those two major causes, we should do.

Locally that means (at least):
* Fighting fracking and frac sand mining (used to "produce" more fossil fuels)
* Demanding an immediate move to renewables for energy production and fighting against anti-rcnewables/anti-efficiency rate changes
* Fighting oil trains
* Supporting more public transportation and fighting more and more roads and parking
* Working for good candidates

If your group or organization is having a meeting or event, please let me know and I'll post it here. We really do have to get going on making major changes and especially making clear to elected representatives that business as usual - especially with respect to carbon emitting activities - is not going to cut it anymore.

Monday, November 09, 2015


Thanks to everyone who has already bought tickets for the important film, This Changes Everything! We have blown past the original capacity (90) and they have moved us to a larger theater so TICKETS ARE STILL AVAILABLE!!

Please tell you friends - get your tickets here: tinyurl.com/climatefilm.

Monday, October 19, 2015

New site for LaCrosse4Bernie!

Thanks to Coders for Bernie over at Reddit, we now have a beautiful new website at lacrosse.wi.forberniesanders.com!

All future issues of LaCrosse4Bernie News will be published there along with details about upcoming local and regional campaign events.

I hope you'll continue to check in here once in a while since there are plenty of issues to cover! But from now on, for news specifically about what's happening locally with the Bernie campaign, hop on over to lacrosse.wi.forberniesanders.com.

Friday, October 16, 2015

La Crosse 4 Bernie #11 - Fuel the Bern

[We DO have a new website, but it's not quite ready to go yet. By November, we'll publish there I hope.]
October 16, 2015


[Note: if ever a sign up link doesn't work, just go to berniesanders.com/events and search by zip code 54601.]

ONGOING TABLING We're almost at the end of Cameron Park tabling and need some new suggestions! Sign up to help finish out the month at tinyurl.com/LaXTable4Bernie. Everything provided. If you want some training before you sign up, have trouble using the sign up site, or have any questions, please email Cathy.

LETTER TO THE EDITOR (LTTE) WRITING WORKSHOP Wednesday, October 21 from 4:45 to 6:45 p.m. at the North Community Library small meeting room. Bring your ideas (and laptop if you have one). Sign up here: http://go.berniesanders.com/page/event/detail/volunteeractivityflyeringcallingwalkingetc/4vhc8

SIGN WAVING AND FLYERING near Woodmans in Onalaska – Saturday, November 7 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Stand on the public sidewalk along Kinney Coulee Road North near the Woodmans parking lot and gas station. Wave your Bernie sign and hand out flyers and bumper stickers to those who ask. New event – sign up here: http://go.berniesanders.com/page/event/detail/volunteeractivityflyeringcallingwalkingetc/4vhxp

SIGN WAVING AND FLYERING near Walmart on the far south side of La Crosse – Saturday, November 7 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Same as above except stand on the public sidewalk along Mormon Coulee Road. Sign up here: http://go.berniesanders.com/page/event/detail/volunteeractivityflyeringcallingwalkingetc/4vhxy

[SEEKING ONE INDIVIDUAL to be the “manager” of either the Woodmans or the Walmart event – hand out signs and flyers to other volunteers, collect them back, collect volunteer signature sheets if any. Please email Cathy if you can do this!]

NOVEMBER 14 DEBATE WATCH PARTY - need co-host to help set this up. Email Cathy.

WE REALLY REALLY NEED SOME OTHER PEOPLE TO SET UP SOME AREA BERNIE EVENTS!!! For example, on Friday, Nov. 6, MSNBC host Rachel Maddow will host a Democratic candidate panel (not an official debate). Someone could host a viewing party. Someone could host a make your own Bernie shirt event or a Bernie book club. Please consider making an event (go to berniesanders.com/eventsberniesanders.com/events and then choose PLAN AN EVENT).


FIRST DEMOCRACTIC DEBATEAbout 75 people watched the first official Democratic candidate debate in the Ward Room of UWL's Cartwright Center on Tuesday, October 13. Despite a few technical glitches it was a good night with many new people and lots of applause and laughter. Thanks to everyone who attended and especially to those who helped - Carrie, Aaron, Amanda, Jackie, William, Avery, George (and the person who suggested turning on the closed captioning!) DID ANYONE TAKE PHOTOS???!!! If yes, please post!!

The next official debate is Saturday, November 14. Should we try for a large community event? We need a space that's affordable (most large non-bar venues charge $80 to $100). Will you host it? Or should we have many smaller house/dorm events? Use the comments!

WE HAVE BERNIE STUFF!!! Thanks to three very generous anonymous donors, we now have a supply of official and unofficial Bernie stuff! We have official bumper stickers, buttons, and window and yard signs and unofficial (union made) Bernie bumper stickers and yard signs. Let's put Bernie's name on everything that moves (and doesn't!) THIS WEEKEND we'll have a link up so you can request Bernie stuff to give out in the community. Your donation will help us get more stuff!

ASK ME ABOUT BERNIE BUTTONS! Jackie has a supply of these very useful items. Wear them when you are out and about. Email Cathy to get one.


LA CROSSE COUNTY DEMOCRATS' FALL DINNER/FUNDRAISER featuring keynote speaker, Russell Feingold and other elected regional and local Democrats. If Bernie is to get anything done, he will need sane people to work with. If we are ever to recover from the damage done to our state over the past five years, we are going to need a strong slate of candidates, good information, good strategy and good people to make it happen. Tickets are $15. Come before 5 p.m. to buy them at the door. Please bring a dessert or appetizer if you plan to attend.

Another reason to consider attending: the party will elect new officers later this year. Some of us are party members and some are not. If you aren't but would like to be, now is the time to join and help elect the candidates who understand what needs to change. To be a candidate, you must become a member by November 1. www.laxdems.com/

VOTER REGISTRATION for City of La Crosse. Oct. 20. Must pre-register with City Clerk. See details in 9/25 Bernie news. However, new legislation may eliminate Special Voter Registration Deputies! More details about this new Republican plan here: http://www.sheboyganpress.com/story/news/politics/2015/10/12/wis-bill-allows-online-voter-registraiton/73817652/

BLUES FOR BERNIE - Oct. 20 The Brink Lounge, Madison. Bands and beers for Bernie!

IOWA JEFFERSON-JACKSON DINNER October 24 - see last week's Bernie news

IOWA DEMOCRATIC PARTY NIGHT OF COMEDY WITH BILL MAHER- Nov. 7, Stephens Auditorium, Iowa State U, Ames, Iowa.

YAHOO DIGITAL DEMOCRACY CONFERENCE - November 12 Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa. All day conference.

THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING (film) - November 18 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Marcus La Crosse Cinema (2032 Ward Ave.) Bernie says global warming is the number one biggest threat to our country. He agrees with the Pentagon and the Pope on this. This film, based on the important book by Naomi Klein, looks at how catastrophic climate change is already wrecking havoc across the globe, how our failed economic and other systems have led us to this point, and what we can and must do to ensure a habitable future (as Bernie said). This is a Tugg event - we must pre-sell 70 tickets by Nov. 10 in order for the event to happen. You can ONLY get tickets through the Tugg website: https://www.tugg.com/events/56146

HELP LAX4BERNIE GROW! Do you know people in our area who want to help elect Bernie Sanders? Please have them email: couleeprogressive@hotmail.com to be put on the mailing list and get information about local activities and opportunities to help or forward this newsletter to them.

STILL SEEKING A COUPLE OF CO-ORGANIZERS! NEED two or three people to help keep our activities organized - participate in state conference calls, help set up events, help put together this newsletter, keep track of our local mailing list, etc. If you have a few hours a week to spare on one or more of these or other organizing tasks, please email Cathy.

COOL BERNIE SITEs OF THE WEEK: If you're an Ellen fan and missed Bernie's appearance, you can watch here: http://www.ellentv.com/episodes/senator-bernie-sanders-shaping-sound-dance-co/

James shared this link to a great New Yorker profile of Bernie

and this youtube video - classic Ry Cooder! (a Bernie campaign song):

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

I am excited to announce that we plan to screen the brand new documentary, THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING, at the Marcus La Crosse Cinema (2032 Ward Avenue) on Wednesday, November 18 at 6:30 p.m. as a Tugg event.

This new film is based on the highly acclaimed book, This Changes Everything: Capitalism versus the Climate, by Naomi Klein. ("The most momentous and contentious environmental book since Silent Spring.” - Rob Nixon The New York Times Book Review)

The film is narrated by Klein and highlights several communities that are on the front lines of catastrophic climate change. It also highlights solutions to this most important crisis of our time.

Tugg is an online organization that connects films, people who want to see them, and theaters. Tugg makes all arrangements with the theater. The theater and film production company set the ticket price. Then, the theater and Tugg set a threshold number of tickets that must be sold before an event will go live. If that number is not met by their deadline, then no one pays anything and the film is not shown. If the threshold IS met, then people are charged for their tickets which are emailed to them. The theater shows the film, but all the tickets are sold through the Tugg website and collected at the screening room door by the film host (me).

Tickets are only available online through the Tugg event site: https://www.tugg.com/events/56146. The tickets will cost $11 each (ticket price is set by Tugg and the theater. If 70 (of max capacity 90) tickets have not been purchased by about November 10, then the event will not happen. If the minimum is reached, everyone who pre-ordered will get an emailing confirming the event is a go and their tickets will be charged and emailed to them. If it's sold out in short order, we may get a larger theater.

Please pass the word about this important film. Buy some tickets, bring your neighbors! Remember, you must get your tickets through the TUGG site - the theater will not have them!

Friday, October 09, 2015

LaX 4 Bernie News - Fuel the Bern #10

October 9, 2015


[Note: if ever a sign up link doesn't work, just go to berniesanders.com/events and search by zip code 54601.]

ONGOING TABLING We're almost at the end of Cameron Park tabling and need some new suggestions! Sign up to help finish out the month at tinyurl.com/LaXTable4Bernie. Everything provided. If you want some training before you sign up, have trouble using the sign up site, or have any questions, please email Cathy.

DEBATE WATCH PARTY! Tuesday, October 13, 7:30 to 10:30 p.m., WARD ROOM, Cartwright Center, UWL* (1741 State Street). We'll have yard signs, window signs, bumper stickers and buttons! and a few pretzels (it's super expensive to cater here! (but there are food and drinks for sale in Cartwright Center). PLUS – DOOR PRIZES! We're heading for 90! Sign up NOW and bring your friends! tinyurl.com/lax4bernieoctdebate

NEED A FEW PEOPLE TO LIVE TWEET THE EVENT and a couple of extra laptops would help, too.

[*This event is paid for and organized by volunteers from La Crosse for Bernie and is not paid for, endorsed by, or in any way supported by the University.]

LETTER TO THE EDITOR (LTTE) WRITING WORKSHOP **NEW DATE.** - Wednesday, October 21 from 4:45 to 6:45 p.m. at the North Community Library small meeting room. Bring your ideas (and laptop if you have one). Sign up here: go.berniesanders.com/page/event/detail/4vhc8

SIGN WAVING AND FLYERING near Woodmans in Onalaska – Saturday, November 7 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Stand on the public sidewalk along Kinney Coulee Road North near the Woodmans parking lot and gas station. Wave your Bernie sign and hand out flyers and bumper stickers to those who ask. New event – sign up here: go.berniesanders.com/page/event/detail/4vhxp

SIGN WAVING AND FLYERING near Walmart on the far south side of La Crosse – Saturday, November 7 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Same as above except stand on the public sidewalk along Mormon Coulee Road. Sign up here: go.berniesanders.com/page/event/detail/4vhxy

[SEEKING ONE INDIVIDUAL to be the “manager” of either the Woodmans or the Walmart event – hand out signs and flyers to other volunteers, collect them back, collect volunteer signature sheets if any. Please email Cathy if you can do this!]

Do YOU have an idea for an event that will help get the word out about Bernie and his campaign? START YOUR OWN EVENT – it's EASY! Go to berniesanders.com/events and choose CREATE AN EVENT. Then let us know so we can help publicize it and get volunteers. Here are some ideas – more flyering, tabling at your school, a Beer with Bernie informal gathering, host a LaCrosseSTUDENTS4Bernie Bernie Trivia night or a t-shirt making workshop ...


IOWA JEFFERSON-JACKSON DINNER Bernie will join fellow Democratic party candidates for president at the Des Moines Jefferson-Jackson dinner (a fundraiser) on Saturday, October 24. The Bernie campaign is raising funds to sponsor regular people who can't afford the $50 bleacher seat ticket cost. If you'd like to donate: https://secure.actblue.com/contribute/page/j-j-dinner
and if you'd like to pay $50 yourself to attend (no dinner) or $120 for dinner (Des Moines is about 4.5 hours from La Crosse via interstate), go here: http://bit.ly/1isTMqm

It's possible that there will be smaller Bernie events in Iowa on October 25 but who knows! Keep track at the Des Moines Register Candidate Tracker: http://data.desmoinesregister.com/iowa-caucus/candidate-tracker/index.php

VOTER REGISTRATION TRAINING for City of La Crosse. Oct. 20. Must pre-register with City Clerk. See details in 9/25 Bernie news.

THE COUNTY DEMOCRATIC PARTY will elect new officers later this year. Some of us are party members and some are not. If you aren't but would like to be, now is the time to join and help elect the candidates who understand what needs to change. To be a candidate, you must become a member by November 1. www.laxdems.com/


MAPLE LEAF PARADE – Three of us walked with the La Crosse County Democrats in Saturday's parade. The weather was great and the crowds were huge. We handed out nearly 1,000 mini flyers and a few bumper stickers along the way. Many many people yelled BERNIE as we passed. Thanks again to Jackie, Wayne, and Cathy!

VAN, the Voter Activation Network, is a programs parties and campaigns use to keep track of likely friendly voters and make sure they get out to vote. Both the La Crosse Democratic Party and the Bernie Sanders campaign are using VAN. The LCDP will soon start walking routes to update their VAN database. The Bernie campaign announced it is also gearing up to begin using VAN. As soon as we hear more, we'll let you know!

HELP LAX4BERNIE GROW! Do you know people in our area who want to help elect Bernie Sanders? Please have them email couleeprogressive@hotmail.com to be put on the mailing list and get information about local activities and opportunities to help or forward this newsletter to them.

STILL SEEKING A COUPLE OF CO-ORGANIZERS!  NEED two or three people to help keep our activities organized - participate in state conference calls, help set up events, help put together this newsletter, keep track of our local mailing list, etc. If you have a few hours a week to spare on one or more of these or other organizing tasks, please email Cathy.

COOL BERNIE SITE OF THE WEEK: If you haven't read the Atlantic article written in 1985 by Russell Baker (and then buried unpublished for thirty years!), read it: http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2015/10/bernie-sanders-mayor/407413/

Friday, October 02, 2015

LaX 4 Bernie News - Fuel the Bern #9

October 2, 2015


[Note: if ever a sign up link doesn't work, just go to berniesanders.com/events and search by zip code 54601.]

ONGOING TABLING Need one or two people on SATURDAY MORNINGS – 10/10, 10/17, 10/24 and 10/31 any time before 1 p.m. (like 11 to 1) AND FRIDAY 10/30 any time it's light! Sign up at tinyurl.com/LaXTable4Bernie. Everything provided. If you want some training before you sign up, have trouble using the sign up site, or have any questions, please email Cathy.

Farmers market tabling will soon end, but we shouldn't stop! Where else are there crowds we can hand out info to? Would anyone be interested in handing out flyers at UWL football games? High school games? Where else? Who can set up tabling at local COLLEGES???

IMPORTANT NEWS > The latest Marquette University Law School poll shows that Clinton leads Sanders in Wisconsin by about 12 points among registered voters with Biden included in the mix. Without Biden, Clinton's lead would likely be greater. MORE THAN 36% SAY THEY DON'T KNOW ENOUGH ABOUT BERNIE SANDERS TO FORM AN OPINION! This is where WE come in!

It's not too late to MARCH 4 BERNIE - OKTOBERFEST MAPLE LEAF PARADE - Saturday, October 3 from about ***NOTE NEW TIME!! 11:30 to about 4 p.m. March with the La Crosse County Democrats. This is BIG. Wear BERNIE togs and hand out candy (YOU bring if you want) AND flyers – we provide. We will distribute 1,000 mini flyers! Sign up here: http://bit.ly/1L170H9

DEBATE WATCH PARTY! Tuesday, October 13, 7:30 to 10:30 p.m., WARD ROOM, Cartwright Center, UWL* (1741 State Street). Let's make this July 29 x 10! Invite your friends and neighbors! Let's blow past the 100 person capacity so we need an overflow! We will have our official Bernie stickers, buttons and signs for you to purchase! PLUS – DOOR PRIZES!! RSVP here (note NEW LINK): tinyurl.com/lax4bernieoctdebate

[*This event is paid for and organized by volunteers from La Crosse for Bernie and is not paid for, endorsed by, or in any way supported by the University.]

LETTER TO THE EDITOR (LTTE) WRITING WORKSHOP Tuesday, October 27. Details still being finalized. Check back for sign up link.


IOWA ACTION WEEKEND October 2-4. Sign up here (NEW LINK) http://bit.ly/1M0bNmO to travel to Iowa for lit drops, canvassing, helping with organizing, making signs, setting up debate watching parties and more. I believe housing (probably a couch or living room floor) and possibly food will be provided. This is an OFFICIAL NATIONAL BERNIE EVENT.

PHONE BANKING FOR BERNIE Residents of NEW YORK must be registered as Democrats in order to vote for Bernie in their primary and they must register by October 9. It's critical to get a big Bernie turnout in NY because they have so many delegates to the nominating convention. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT! If you can help, go here to get info, instructions, and numbers: http://teambernieny.org/call/

LAST CALL!! - Bernie YARD SIGNS (not official, but union made) are available from Wisconsin organizers (see images below). Each sign (with wires or without) is $4. Pay when you pick up your signs (in La Crosse). Order here by October 4!!!! [We will also have OFFICIAL Bernie yard signs soon for $10 each.]

VOTER REGISTRATION TRAINING for City of La Crosse. Oct. 20. Must pre-register with City Clerk. See details in last week's Bernie news.

THE COUNTY DEMOCRATIC PARTY will elect new officers later this year. Some of us are party members and some are not. If you aren't but would like to be, now is the time to join and help elect the candidates who understand what needs to change. To be a candidate, you must become a member by November 1. www.laxdems.com/


TORCHLIGHT PARADE – At least eight Berniacs walked with the La Crosse County Democrats in Thursday night's parade. The weather was beautiful and the route was packed with people. Throughout the route we could hear inspiring shouts of YEA, BERNIE! Because of the darkness, crowds, and wheeled parade participants weaving among the marchers, we didn't hand out flyers but we will on Saturday. Thanks especially to Wayne who drove all the way from Winona to march with us!


Erin's letter was in the La Crosse Tribune and the Onalaska Courier Life this week! Erin worked on her letter at our 9/24 LTTE Writing Workshop and is part of our LTTE Team. If you are thinking of writing a letter or want to help others with theirs, email bernieletterslax@gmail.com. Our next LTTE workshop will be on Tuesday, October 27. In the mean time, get tips from the shared drive: http://bit.ly/1Lc6MgtA

A friend sent a link to a very good LTTE in the Winona Post written by a Trempealeau Bernie supporter.

HELP LAX4BERNIE GROW! Do you know people in our area who want to help elect Bernie Sanders? Please have them emailcouleeprogressive@hotmail.com to be put on the mailing list and get information about local activities and opportunities to help or forward this newsletter to them.

SEEKING A COUPLE OF CO-ORGANIZERS!  NEED two or three people to help keep our activities organized - participate in state conference calls, help set up events, help put together this newsletter, keep track of our local mailing list, etc. If you have a few hours a week to spare on one or more of these or other organizing tasks, please email Cathy



* Daily Kos Bernie News Roundup (search BNR at dailykos.com)
* Bernie's site www.berniesanders.com

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

The nightmare continues

You may have heard of the new Republican scheme to change our state's civil service jobs system. Well, it's getting a "hearing" on Wednesday, October 6 (though, don't hold your breath if hours of testimony against it does nothing to change it). 

This from WI AFL-CIO: 

Gov. Walker and Republicans in Madison are wasting no time in their plot to dismantle Wisconsin’s landmark civil service law. Our current civil service system is designed to ensure fairness and integrity in the hiring and firing of all state employees. The proposals being debated in Madison would break our system, inserting politics and paving the way for political favoritism, givebacks and corruption. 

Make your voice heard. Attend the Senate Committee on Labor and Government Reform hearing on LRB-2783/1 (State Civil Service Reform Bill) this Tuesday, October 6, in the state Capitol in Madison.  You can also send a message to your legislators by clicking here.

Hearing Details:
Room 411 South, State Capitol 
- Morning session: 8:30 a.m. to 11:50 a.m. 
- BREAK (looks like they don’t want working people to testify on their lunch hour)
- Afternoon session: 2:15 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Elected officials need to hear from you and be held accountable to their constituents.
Contact your legislators and tell them what you think of rigging our civil service system so that political friends and buddies get preferential treatment. Click here to send an email message to your state lawmakers today

We cannot let these changes go unchecked. Together, we will let politicians in Madison know that the people are watching and will not sit back silently while our state’s long-standing and transparent civil service system is hijacked to benefit political cronyism. 

Let’s keep the politics out of civil service


The good news is that a new Wisconsin poll shows Walker's support the lowest ever. The bad news is that 37% per cent of our fellow Wisconsinites approve of Scott Walker. Who ARE these people?