Sunday, July 30, 2023

WisDOT Active Transportation Planning

Attend a virtual open house to help shape the state's vision for active transportation.

The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) is currently working on the Wisconsin Active Transportation Plan 2050 (ATP). 

In early August, WisDOT will hold six virtual open houses to talk about the ATP and hear what goals and visions people throughout Wisconsin (you!) have for walking, biking, and rolling. 

The Open Houses are divided by WisDOT regions so we can have localized and specific conversations. That said, all the meetings will be a same format. If you cannot make your region’s open house, please attend the one that works best with your schedule. Register for an open house below.

Don't know your WisDOT region? Find out Here!

No pre-registration is required. Please log on a few minutes before the beginning of the webinar to sign in and launch the virtual meeting.

Please use the comment form under each sign-in link to provide us with comments before, during or after the meeting.

TUESDAY, AUGUST 1 from noon to 1:30 p.m. Southeast Region

Meeting ID: 883 2048 7499
Passcode: 138974
Or call in: 651-372-829

Have comments during the meeting? Let us know here!

TUESDAY, AUGUST 1 from 3 to 4:30 p.m. Southwest Region (that's us).

Meeting ID: 822 3115 5025
Passcode: 184620
Or call in: 651-372-8299

Have comments during the meeting? Let us know here!

TUESDAY, AUGUST 1 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Northwest Region

Meeting ID: 851 3094 1268
Passcode: 416390
Or call in: 651-372-8299

Have comments during the meeting? Let us know here!

WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 9 from noon to 1:30  p.m. North Central Region

Meeting ID: 881 5666 0126
Passcode: 578012
Or call in: 651-372-8299

Have comments during the meeting? Let us know here!

WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 9 from 3 to 4:30  p.m Northeast Region

Meeting ID: 839 9021 9742
Passcode: 610486
Or call in: 651-372-8299

Have comments during the meeting? Let us know here!

WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 9 from 6 to 7:30  p.m. Statewide Region

Meeting ID: 813 0615 2195
Passcode: 755895
Or call in: 651-372-8299

Have comments during the meeting? Let us know here!

Learn more about the plan and the process at

Saturday, July 22, 2023

Citizen Climate Lobby

Wednesday, July 26 at 6 p.m. on Zoom or at 401 West Avenue South.

BEFORE THE MEETING: Please watch the recording of the July International CCL Meeting on YouTube (340 minutes). Or listen to the podcast on Apple Podcasts.

Photo of Sarahia BennCCL's July Speaker
Sarahia Benn
Sarahia Benn serves as Executive Director of Policy Foundation of Maryland. With extensive experience and expertise in policy development and advisory, Sarahia is a prominent environmentalist contributing to the drafting and advising of local, state, and national policies in multiple realms. Sarahia has been an active member of various legislative coalitions, including Rebuild Maryland, through which she joined forces with other prominent environmentalists to advocate for landmark climate legislation: The Climate Crisis and Environmental Justice Act. Additionally, Sarahia was a key contributor to the "Climate Solutions Now" coalition, supporting Maryland state senator Paul Pinsky's efforts in addressing climate issues.
Wednesday, July 26th, 6:30pm via Zoom or at 431 West Ave. S.

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

International Youth Media Summit


The International Youth Media Summit is being held in La Crosse from July 24 - August 6. IYMS invites the La Crosse community and friends to join in this celebration of global unity. 

18th IYMS - Opening Ceremony on Tuesday, July 25 from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. at the UWL Student Union Theater, 521 East Avenue North

Help us give our delegates from over 20 countries a warm welcome to La Crosse as we kick off the 2023 Summit. La Crosse musicians will perform during the ceremony and for the post-ceremony dance party, open to all attendees.

Special guests will include:

  • Wisconsin State Senator Brad Pfaff
  • Carol Abrahamson, Executive Director of the Mississippi Valley Conservancy
  • Keynote Address by IYMS delegate Arman from Afghanistan. A story of courage, determination and community support after the fall of Kabul in 2021.

Email ticket requests to:

IYMS Talent Show on Friday, July 28 from 7 p.m. (show starts at 7:30) at the Pump House Regional Arts Center, 119 King Street

Come around the world with us! Our delegates will share their cultures through music, dance and spoken word performances. La Crosse will be the first community ever invited to share in this beloved Summit tradition.

Email ticket requests to:

Screening of the Feature Film JOHN on Sunday, July 30 at 7:30 (screening starts at 8) at the Rivoli Theater, 117 4th Street North

An IYMS Films Co-production 

Q&A with writer/director Babar Ali

Pakistani Writer/Director Ali grew up surrounded by the effects of violence and has made it his personal and artistic mission to see that other young people can be spared that trauma. He says, "JOHN is my attempt to understand what it takes for a human to take the life of another human being. Perhaps we can bring a change if we can understand it." The film just opened in Pakistan to rave reviews! “Brilliant cinematic style…immersive storytelling… Pakistani cinema taken to the next level!"

(Not suitable for young children)

For Free Tickets, visit

Screening of select SANATIONE Episodes on Thursday, August 3 at 7:30 (show starts at 8) at the Rivoli Theater, 117 4th Street North

With Subjects from La Crosse & Filmmakers from Around the World

In March 2020, when the world entered crisis mode, a group of filmmakers across the globe grabbed their cameras. They captured everything - isolation, coping, kindness and joy.  Join us to watch selected episodes, several of which were filmed in La Crosse!

or Free Tickets, visit

La Crosse Queen Cruise on Friday, August 4.

Assemble at 9:45am for Cruise 10 a.m. to noon at 405 E. Veterans Memorial Drive (north end of Riverside Park)

Join our Summit delegates on the La Crosse Queen Cruise as they experience sailing down an American icon – the fabled Mississippi. The ultimate La Crosse Summit photo op! (Seating limited – first come, first served)

Email ticket requests to:

Closing Ceremony and Screening of Completed Films on Saturday, August 5 at 7:30 p.m. (show starts at 8) at the Rivoli Theater, 117 4th Street North

This is it – the big Summit finale. The delegates will screen their seven short films, filmed around La Crosse and produced in two short weeks. Celebrate with them. And be among the first to see: “2024 – The Big Reveal” and discover the location of next year’s Summit!

For free tickets, visit

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

SOUP July 26



Contact: Nick Marcou,

Mobile: 608.498.9144

La Crosse SOUP preps next crowdfunding event at the Black River Beach

LA CROSSE, Wis., (July 18, 2023) - La Crosse SOUP is a collaborative celebration, a public dinner, and a platform for connection. It is a quarterly micro-granting event for people of all ages and backgrounds with the goal of bringing our community together to support creative projects designed to make La Crosse an even better place. The mission is to promote community-based development through crowdfunding, creativity, collaboration, trust, and fun.

The next La Crosse SOUP event will be held on Wednesday, July 26, at the Black River Beach Neighborhood Center located at 1433 Rose Street in La Crosse. Doors open (food and drinks served) at 5:00 p.m. The program and pitches begin at 6:00 p.m. The winner will be announced at 7:00 p.m.

For a suggested donation of just $5, attendees receive soup from either Pogreba Restaurant or Marge's On Rose, bread, and a vote. Four groups will pitch their idea for four minutes each on how they plan to make a positive impact and improve our community. The audience can ask up to four questions of each presenter. Once all ideas are shared, everyone votes for their favorite. As the night ends, all the votes are counted and the winner goes home with the money raised to carry out their project.

The four pitches for SOUP at the Beach include a pitch from the CASA for Kids Program to help fund positive childhood experiences for children involved in the courts as a result of abuse and neglect. A pitch from Chariots 4 Hope, a nonprofit organization aiming to change lives by breaking down transportation barriers and creating vehicle sustainability and stability. A pitch from Yoga Mariposa to offer classes about gentle yoga, meditation, and breathwork to incarcerated and recently released people. And last but not least, a pitch by The Good Fight Community Center to expand its youth boxing program and enable students to compete and travel for competitions.

Joining us in the fun will be our friends from State Road Elementary School. Students, families, and staff from State Road's fourth grade will be prepping and running the event’s bake sale to satisfy any and all dessert cravings. Funds from the bake sale will also go toward the winning pitch.

An extra special thank you to our generous sponsors for our upcoming SOUP at the Beach event on July 26. Thanks to Atproperties La Crosse and Altra Federal Credit Union for their continued support.

August Ball coming soon

The Juneteenth Court composed of local Black youth will preside over this reenactment of a traditional cotillion/beautillion ball.

This re-creation of the historic La Crosse August Ball is a formal event and includes dinner, dancing, presentations, and musical entertainment. It will be held on August 52023 from 5:30-10 p.m. at the UWL Student Union Bluff Room and is open to the public.   

Tickets can be purchased here: AUGUST BALL TICKETS 

Friday, July 07, 2023


At the urging of local climate activists, WXOW Channel 19 is doing a new series, Switching to Sustainability. The first focuses on what we can do to encourage pollinators.

In a rare and, apparently, gutsy move, the news readers actually mentioned climate change out loud as part of the story! 

Please thank Carly Swisher and WXOW for taking this step AND contact (message, DM, call, Tweet, etc.) other local media (WKBTFox2548, WIZM, the La Crosse Tribune, and WEAU) respectfully urging them to start covering the most important issue facing our planet, too.

If they need help, refer them to this site, Covering Climate Now, or this site from the International Center for Journalists.

Watch all the series at WXOW's web page.

And, educate yourself via this new MOOC, CLIMATE CHANGE: The Science and Global Impact, taught by Michael E. Mann through EdX. The course started July 6 but it is self-paced, so starting a little late is fine.

In this course, you will explore the science behind anthropogenic climate change with climate expert, Michael Mann. By joining this course, you are becoming part of a global movement to act on climate change. The first step toward any action is knowledge and understanding.

By the end of the course, you will come away with a solid understanding of how the climate system works, why anthropogenic climate change is occurring, and the impact it has on human and planetary systems.

Thursday, July 06, 2023

Neighborhood Visioning

Here's a chance to advocate for a low-carbon, safe, human-centered future for this neighborhood. Prioritize people and green space. De-prioritize cars. Include the city's Climate Action Plan and Complete Streets requirements.

ISG, in collaboration with Mayo Clinic Health System, Three-Sixty Real Estate Solutions, and Borton Construction, is holding a community workshop to review recommendations to create a shared vision for future developments that would enhance the near-southside neighborhoods and make them an even better place to live and work.

The community workshop is planned for Wednesday, July 12th, at the Lincoln Middle School Auditorium. It will be conducted from 5:30pm-7:00pm.

The public and neighbors are encouraged to attend the community workshop to review recommendations and discuss how to implement them in the future. A presentation will provide a preview of the final documentation from this process and staff will be available to gather comments and answer questions.

For additional information about the visioning project, interested persons may contact Will Kratt, Project Manager, at 608-789-2034 or send an e-mail to

Will Kratt, PE, PTOE
Business Unit Leader
Employee Owner

P  608.789.2034
C  608.498.0940
A  201 Main Street + Suite 1020 + La Crosse, WI 54601

Monday, July 03, 2023

A film and a festival


Movies with a Mission at the La Crosse Public Library: "Celebrate heritage, identity and awareness months while gaining a greater understanding of issues that affect our community! Disability Action Network (DAN) will join us to share their mission and screen the documentary, "Crip Camp: A Disability Revolution," featuring a ground-breaking summer camp for teens with disabilities that proves so inspiring that its alumni join the radical disability rights movement to advocate for historic legislation changes."

Register at

And, on Saturday, July 22, plant to attend the Disability Pride Fest from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Copeland Park.

"In 2023, DAN will host our 2nd annual Disability Pride Fest to promote inclusion and highlight the value of people with disabilities to our community. Lots of people in our community are impacted by accessibility barriers and isolation. At Disability Pride Fest we will actively break down those barriers through socialization presentations, performances, a community art project, sports, children’s activities, and resource booths. Put simply, the event will celebrate disability culture.

"Disability Pride Fest will happen on Saturday, July 22nd. There will be music, food, art, activities, fun, and resources. All activities will be as accessible as possible including ASL interpreting, accessible restrooms, plain language information, and a sensory break area."

Sunday, July 02, 2023

"Point of no return"

When is it scary enough for everyone to change? Not just a light bulb, but really change? And make our communities, businesses, schools, organizations, and governments change, too?

When does it look bad enough that we make our priority list and work on transforming our own habits and the "givens" (cars>everything, for example), that drive how our city budgets are made, how our projects are ordered, who gets listened to, who gets ignored.