One of the great things about the Coulee Region is our wealth of higher education institutions. This coming week, April 1-5, the Institute for Social Justice at UW-La Crosse is hosting a week of speakers, panels, exhibits, and workshops designed to "elevate silenced voices.
Check out the list of FREE Social Justice Week events at their website.
On Thursday, April 4, Charles Montgomery, author of The Happy City opens Viterbo University's interdisciplinary conference on The Ethical City with a keynote speech at 7 pm in the Fine Arts Center. The conference runs through April 6 and requires registration. Montgomery's speech is free.
In addition, don't forget to VOTE on Tuesday if you haven't yet. The Wisconsin Supreme Court race is super important. Remember, Hagedorn worked for the Walker administration. Judge Lisa Neubauer did not.
Also this week:
* April 4 state budget listening session with State Senator Jennifer Shilling and Rep. Jill Billings at 5:30 pm at the Northside Policing Center, 713 St. James St. With the nearest Joint Finance Committee hearings in River Falls, these local sessions are extra important to help show support for Governor Evers' budget proposals.
* A Coulee Region group of Democratic Socialists of America is starting and will meet April 6 at 10 am. Get more info by emailing couleesocialists at gmail or call or text 608 632-6166.
* The April 6 54th Annual UWL International Banquet, 6 pm at the UWL Student Union, offers food from around the world, international music, and the chance to demonstrate support for our diverse community. You must purchase tickets in advance.
Check out the list of FREE Social Justice Week events at their website.
On Thursday, April 4, Charles Montgomery, author of The Happy City opens Viterbo University's interdisciplinary conference on The Ethical City with a keynote speech at 7 pm in the Fine Arts Center. The conference runs through April 6 and requires registration. Montgomery's speech is free.
In addition, don't forget to VOTE on Tuesday if you haven't yet. The Wisconsin Supreme Court race is super important. Remember, Hagedorn worked for the Walker administration. Judge Lisa Neubauer did not.
Also this week:
* April 4 state budget listening session with State Senator Jennifer Shilling and Rep. Jill Billings at 5:30 pm at the Northside Policing Center, 713 St. James St. With the nearest Joint Finance Committee hearings in River Falls, these local sessions are extra important to help show support for Governor Evers' budget proposals.
* A Coulee Region group of Democratic Socialists of America is starting and will meet April 6 at 10 am. Get more info by emailing couleesocialists at gmail or call or text 608 632-6166.
* The April 6 54th Annual UWL International Banquet, 6 pm at the UWL Student Union, offers food from around the world, international music, and the chance to demonstrate support for our diverse community. You must purchase tickets in advance.