Thursday, May 29, 2008

Get Yourselves Organized!

It's wonderful that there's lots of STUFF for us to go to and do, but PLEASE, people, get yourselves organized!

So, ok, tonight we can go to the Clean Energy Coalition's "Dirty Ol' Coal" program starting at 4 p.m. at Three Rivers School and including a catered meal there and then a public meeting at 7 p.m. at the Ho-Chunk House on 8th and Main


We can go to the Dem's Open House (this is tempting if only to glare at Ron Kind for being such a witless suck up and war-monger) from 5 to 7 p.m. at their new headquarters at 127 S. 6th St. Free food here.


We can go to a public forum at 7 p.m. to comment on the La Crosse Police Department’s ability to comply with accreditation standards. Per the Tribune: "The hearing at the La Crosse Community Policing Center, 713 St. James St., is part of the department's application for re-accreditation through the Wisconsin Law Enforcement Accreditation Group." More info here.


This just in ... we can go to the Livable Neighborhoods meeting at 6 p.m. at the Southside Community Center to discuss a proposed La Crosse Neighborhood Revitalization Commission. Read more about it here.

This is just another plea - if you are scheduling an event that the local progressive community might be interested in attending, PLEASE check to see if there's already something scheduled!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


I often wish The Universal Mom would show her face once in a while. You know, when the high-test(osterone) White House boys want to get their war on, The U Mom could swoop in and grab them by their ears and drag them off for a big time out. Or, when crooks, cronies and war criminals steal public money or torture people or "rendition" them or ... well, you know, The Mom would confront them and embarrass them and make them pay for their crimes and banish them from having any interaction with others for a good long time.

Well, THAT fantasy isn't going to come true any time soon, but another fantasy many of us have - finding candidates to WORK and vote for to replace the reactionary Kapanke and, worse by 10, Mike Huebsch - IS coming true.

Last week, Tara Johnsons, a La Crosse County Board member, announced she would challange Kapanke and this Thursday, according to the LaX Dems:

Cheryl Hancock will formally announce her candidacy for the 94th Assembly seat on Thursday, May 29th at noon at the Holmen "Pit" Baseball Field (Main St. & Sunset Dr.)

Please come and show your support for Cheryl in her campaign against Mike Huebsch and to restore a Democratic majority in the Wisconsin Assembly.

(Cheryl will also have a second La Crosse County stop the same day at 4:00 P.M. at Mulder Nursing Home, 713 N. Leonard St., West Salem)

Huebsch is a powerful fundraiser - in fact, most of his campaign cash comes from out of his district. His challenger is going to need A LOT of money, help and support.

Kapanke is tied into the statewide right wing "buy the government" network (like the one that helped buy a judgeship for a crony last spring). Already "push polling" is being conducted to hone an attack campaign against Johnson. She is going to need strong support and a good source of funds.

That means YOU! Contact the Laxdems[at] to sign up.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Transmission Lines a-comin'!

From the Tribune:

Two open houses today will provide La Crosse residents with the closest opportunity to learn about a proposed electric transmission line from southeast of the Twin Cities to Rochester, Minn., and on to La Crosse.

The open houses will be from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Riverport Inn at 900 Bruski Drive in Winona, Minn., and from 5 to 8 p.m. at the Centerville Community Center/Curling Club at W24854 Hwy. 54/93 in Centerville, Wis. Utility representatives will be available to answer questions.

The 150-mile line between La Crosse and the southeast Twin Cities is one of three new 345-kilovolt electric transmission lines proposed by the CapX 2020 utilities alliance. Eleven regional utilities, including Xcel Energy and La Crosse-based Dairyland Power Cooperative, are part of the alliance and first announced their plans in 2006.

Maps showing possible corridors envision the line crossing the Mississippi River either at Alma, Wis., Winona or La Crosse. The line would end at a substation in La Crosse or near Holmen, Wis.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Just say NO!

Bring them homeFriday, May 16 is Iraq Moratorium Day. Keep this issue before the people. Meet at 5 p.m. at the corners of Third Street and Cass (by the bridge) with your sign. Last month there were four of us there (and I had to leave a little early), but we were very effective.

House Rejects War Funding Bill

Imagine what would happen if tomorrow there could be EIGHT of us!

p.s. Ron Kind STILL doesn't get it:

How they voted: House roll call on war funding bill

The 149-141 roll call Thursday by which the House defeated a bill to continue funding the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.

A "yes" vote is a vote for the funding and a "no" vote is a vote against the funding.

Voting yes were 85 Democrats and 56 Republicans.
Voting no were 147 Democrats and 2 Republicans.

X denotes those not voting.

"Present" denotes those who voted they were present at the time of the vote but did not vote yes or no on the issue.

Democrats - Baldwin, N; Kagen, N; Kind, Y; Moore, N; Obey, N.
Republicans - Petri, Y; Ryan, Present; Sensenbrenner, Y.

Monday, May 05, 2008

Transportation Liberation!

Thursday, May 8, 2008 at 7:30 pm Ward Room, Cartwright Center, UW-La Crosse FREE!

Go to the Transportation Liberation page to view the trailer!

Car-free living is a lifestyle choice that yields abundant rewards: freedom from the economic burdens of personal motorized transportation, improved physical and emotional well-being, reduced noise and pollution, and traffic structures that are gentler on the land and its citizens. Communities are brought closer together as people increasingly interact face-to-face, rather than from within steel shells. Liberation from private motorized transportation makes us a richer, healthier, happier people living in cleaner, quieter, friendlier neighborhoods.

In this multimedia workshop, Obbie and RoZ describe the steps on their trail toward Transportation Liberation, and discuss a multitude of pragmatic ideas on how to make driving optional. The program is punctuated by personal narratives (including sights and sounds) of good and bad transportation methods witnessed during extensive research in North America and Europe.

If your organization or educational institution would like to host the Transportation Liberation Road Show, contact purplearth.