Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Public input requested

This is part of a Wisconsin Bike Fed blog post. Read the entire post for more details.
The public has an opportunity to review and comment on the draft Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan. The plan provides guidance to public outdoor recreation policy and planning decisions and is used in allocating recreation-related grants administered by the Department of Natural Resources.
This report is used to help make grant funding decisions for programs like the Knowles-Nelson stewardship program, Land and Water Conservation funding, and the Rec Trails program.
People can review the plan and the appendices  on the DNR website.  In addition to the [December 19 Madison] open house, people can also comment on the plan through a public input form on the SCORP page of the DNR website. The form is intended to gather perspectives about the draft SCORP and ideas people may have to improve the document. People can provide input on an online questionnaire, or can download a form and mail it in. Comments, either online or hardcopy, are due by Jan. 4, 2019.
For more information contact John Pohlman, DNR planner, 608-264-6263

Sunday, December 09, 2018

December 18: Building the People's Budget

Thanks, Pete K! (and Wisconsin Public Education Network)

Governor-elect Tony Evers' team announced today that they have created a new kind of listening session to gather public input to inform their 2019-2021 biennial budget.

They have created a series of unique events around the state that will give constituents the ability to share their budget priorities directly with our team. 

"Rather than a traditional listening session format, attendees will participate in small group sessions that focus on specific issue areas, generate group discussion, and create valuable feedback for our policy teams.

"These events are great opportunities for people to have their voices heard and their policy items prioritized."

The La Crosse session will be held on Tuesday, December 18 starting at noon at the La Crosse, American Legion Post 52. 711 6th St South, La Crosse, WI 54601. Register for the La Crosse session at this La Crosse link.

Saturday, December 08, 2018

Incentivizing Energy Efficiency in Rental Properties

The question of how much something costs is often less important than the question of how payment occurs.  For example, sales tax is often complained about because it feels like a surprise at the register.  In response to increased minimum wages, some restaurants are adding a "minimum wage surcharge" on the bill "to highlight the consequences".

By putting these expenses where the customers see them, the goal is to make the customers feel like they're paying for something extra or unnecessary on top of the cost of the item they intended to purchase, which business owners hope will cause those customers to blame the government and lobby for taxes and the minimum wage to be reduced.  Businesses understand very well how to play this game.

We have done essentially nothing to reduce energy use in the past decade that global warming has been a clear danger.  One of the easiest ways to save energy is through simple heat loss management such as adding insulation, weatherstripping, and energy efficient doors and windows.  Energy Star estimates annual energy savings for a properly-insulated house in Wisconsin at 14%.

However, the homes where the greatest savings could be had in La Crosse are often the ones that are least likely to be properly insulated: rentals.  One-time large family homes which have been converted into rentals are often cold and drafty.

Part of the reason for this is the way that energy costs are paid: the tenant pays 100% of the energy bill, but the landlord would be the one who pays for energy efficiency improvements.  There is no incentive for a landlord to invest thousands of dollars in energy efficiency because they will see no return.

As is sometimes the case when a market failure occurs, government intervention may be a necessary option. In this case, shifting energy costs to landlords might be an effective way to compel them to install energy-saving upgrades.  However, shifting the entire energy bill to landlords would disincentivize tenants from saving energy, and landlords would complain that they have to foot the entire bill for tenants' irresponsible behavior.

Therefore I propose, through the passing of a new law if necessary, that landlords be required to pay half of the energy bill for their rental properties. 

It can safely be assumed that they would then raise rent by the average monthly energy bill; however, transferring the monthly cost to landlords still would change the incentive structure and finally give landlords a clear economic reason to install necessary energy efficiency improvements.

The cornfield reality

The next step in the quest to remain a democratic state is to beg the governor who once argued against much less drastic lame duck legislation to veto the lame duck legislation he probably helped to write.

Several good letters have been produced (a couple of communications are quoted below), and it's probably the next logical step in the play by the rules system we might have once inhabited.
Gov Walker, Please DO NOT sign sign any of the bills that change the current roles of the Governor and Attorney General, the makeup of committees, the dates of elections and ability to vote in an early election 
I am fearful of this attempt to restrict the will of the people. I believe that by signing these bills you are not representing the people and your signature to these bills will tarnish your adminstration. This assault on our democracy is totally against everything I have ever been taught. 
We must learn from our past. The last few years have shown that the national Republican leadership no longer represents the will of the people. I urge you to use your power and influence to protect the rights of the people.
This morning I called Governor Walker's office. I suggested he veto the legislation limiting Evers and Kaul. I suggested that if he is running for Ron Johnson's seat that voters I used the word they in reference to the voters) probably would not vote for him if he signs the bill.
But, as a Bush 43 advisor once told journalist Ron Suskind, "People like you are still living in what we call the reality-based community. You believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality. That's not the way the world really works anymore. We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you are studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors, and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do."

The new reality for Republican legislators seems to be, if we want it*, we will do it. Period. Not is it legal? Not is it bipartisan? Not does it make (scientific) sense? Not is it good for Wisconsin families or the future of our state or country (or the planet)? The recent revelation by Rex Tillerson that Donald Trump would often have a tantrum when told he couldn't get what he wanted is a perfect example. It only takes a few seconds to find many others. If they want it, they will do it.

*"It" usually involves money, usually moving as much public money as possible to crony contributors or changing or ignoring laws that protect the environment, public resources, clean air and water, or vulnerable communities if those laws reduce the amount of money crony contributors can charge or take by exploiting those protected groups and resources. Often it also includes punishing or making life more difficult for those who are of a different party, faith, color, gender, economic class, status, and/or ability, like Wisconsin Republicans' obsession with forcing people who are ill, poor, disabled or otherwise disadvantaged to "work" for basic healthcare or food assistance (no matter that a majority of the targets are already working or are children).

This is why I am skeptical about begging the Billy Mumy character from the Twilight Zone's "It's A Good Life" not to send us to the cornfield. It's a new reality.

So, I'm with Kevin. As he wrote in his letter to the editor, "This fits every definition of a coup. Therefore we should ignore these changes, and Gov. Tony Evers and Attorney General Josh Kaul should govern as though these bills were not passed."

After you write your letter to Scott Walker, contact  governor-elect Tony Evers urging him to move ahead on the things people voted for when they elected him in November.

Saturday, December 01, 2018

Monday rally in Madison

5:30 p.m.

Hosted by Indivisible-Madison in response to Republican state legislators' plans to subvert the will of the people.

Update from Wisconsin Working Families.

Legislative Republicans are furious that last month Wisconsin voters charted a new path forward for our state, and they are trying to do anything they can to undermine the will of the people.

Now is the time for us to protect our democracy against political gamesmanship and tell legislative Republicans it's time to get to work. Join voters from all over the state on Monday, Dec. 3 at 7:30 p.m. to get the latest updates from elected officials and our partners about what's going to happen when the lame-duck session starts on Tuesday. We'll discuss ways you can take action and stand up for our democracy in this critical moment.

And if you want to ensure that #WisconsinIsWatching is not just a slogan,sign up to host or attend a "watch party" on Tuesday. While watching the special session online on WisconsinEye, you can make calls to ensure Wisconsinites know what is happening in Madison. If you have any questions about hosting a watch party, email

We need you because the stakes are so high. Legislative Republicans are trying to push through a five-bill, 287-page package that includes 42 different provisions aimed at changing the rules of the game to benefit themselves.

From changing the governor’s powers, to gutting the Attorney General’s office, to switching the 2020 election schedule for the benefit of a conservative candidate, to making it harder for working families to access Wisconsin’s social safety net - these actions by legislative Republicans could be devastating for our state.

Wisconsin deserves better and Speaker Vos, Majority Leader Fitzgerald, and Wisconsin's legislative Republicans need to know that #WisconsinIsWatching.

Progressive International

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Public input - La Crosse Center

The Tribune reports a public input session Wednesday (5:30 to 7:30, La Crosse Center Ballroom) on plans to spend $40+ million to expand the La Crosse Center. Your input is invited.

In light of continuing dire warnings about global warming's consequences and studies showing the La Crosse Center is one of top energy hogs among local public buildings, it might be good for people attending to stress the need for any public projects to put reduction of carbon foitprint at the top of the goals list.

A remodel of the new County Admin building resulted in much greater efficiency, for example. The city is assessing several sites for possible solar installations which would reduce the use of coal and natural gas generated electricity.

The last attempt at planning a remodel of the center, stymied because of plans to overreach Riverside Park, apparently included few specific carbon reduction goals and no solar panels.

This do over on planning is a chance for the community to make clear that efficiency and reduction of climate harm should be a priority.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Common Cause: Stop the minority power grab

Thanks to those who came out to vote last night. The new LCDP board seems determined to find ways to broaden its membership, support critical initiatives and progressive legislators, and continue working on making sure everyone eligible is able to vote.

Protecting democracy in Wisconsin is an ongoing struggle it seems. Despite winning statewide elections in November, Dems failed to gain a single seat in the Wisconsin legislature. The results may have strengthened the case of Wisconsin voters whose suit suit before the US Supreme Court challenging hyperpartisan gerrymandering was returned to lower courts earlier this year, but for now it means the gerrymandered minority is turning to increasingly desperate tactics to maintain power.
"We’ve now seen four election cycles in which the result of what the voters wanted is not reflected in the seat allocation in the Legislature," - Sachin Chheda, director of the Fair Elections Project
Common Cause Wisconsin, quoting a PR Watch report on a proposed lame duck legislative session, is sounding the alarm and urging people to call their state legislators:
... let your own State Senator and State Representative know that you oppose this "extraordinary session" because it defies the will of the state's voters, is a colossal waste of taxpayer money and will only increase partisan acrimony, not reduce it. If you are not sure who your State Senator and your State Representative are, you can look them up here
Also, let Speaker Vos and Senate Majority Leader Fitzgerald know what you think of all of this. Here is their contact information. 266-5660 266-9171 
Finally, please be ready to take further action after Thanksgiving when we know more about exactly what will be unleashed against us. 

Sunday, November 18, 2018

November 19 La Crosse Dems

On Monday evening, the La Crosse County Dems will vote for a new board for 2019. If you are a member in good standing (dues paid by last Wednesday), you are eligible to vote. There are new and progressive candidates on the ballot. If you're eligible to vote, please attend. The meeting starts at 6:30 pm in the Ho-Chunk Three Rivers House (8th & Maine).

As you may have heard, Indivisible is pivoting from GOTV to pushing for truly progressive movement on legislation that most people want like Medicare for All and an emergency move to renewable energy. Much of this push involves individual groups focusing efforts - lobbying, meeting, writing, and challenging - on their local Member of Congress. Read the new guide here.

If anyone would be interested in working on a gathering in early 2019 to get organized to work locally on a few most important issues (Progresstival or similar event), please email.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Nov. 14 - MTU Open House

NOVEMBER 14 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION OPEN HOUSE  Please join the City of La Crosse Muncipal Transit Utility (MTU) for an evening of information, tours, free bus rides, and a celebration of Public Transportation! The OPEN HOUSE will be held on Wednesday, November 14 from 4 to 8 p.m. at the Transit Center, 314 Jay Street. Please call 608-789-7350 with questions.

If you are already a bus rider, here is your chance to demonstrate support not just for what we have now but for a robust, well supported, and interconnected system going forward. If you aren't a bus rider yet, here's an opportunity to learn more about the system and how you can benefit.

The benefits are many.

The private vehicle is a household’s largest contributor to greenhouse gases. By taking existing public transportation instead of driving a car, an individual can reduce annual carbon emissions by an average of 4,800 pounds, (, A strong public transportation system is good for the environment.

In addition, public transportation serves all people, regardless of age, income or ability. Riding the bus is safer than driving. Riding the bus saves most commuters money. There are major economic values for communities with strong public transportarion systems. Converting to electric buses can not only improve communities' air quality and carbon footprints, it can save them big money, too. And, as noted by Enrique Peñalosa, the former mayor of Bogotá, Columbia, public transportation is democracy in action.
A developed country is not a place where the poor have cars. It’s where the rich use public transport.

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Fight the Frac

Good news from Jackson County (via Frac Sand Sentinel):

For immediate release: Contact Attorney Tim Jacobson, Fitzpatrick, Skemp & Associates, LLC, 608 784-4370, ext. 238,

Wisconsin trial court rules in favor of anticipatory nuisance claims against frac sand mine. Omnitrax calls it quits.

In a written decision issued on Election Day, the Jackson Co. Wis. Circuit Court, Judge Scott Horne of La Crosse presiding, ruled that the anticipatory nuisance claims of a group of private landowners against the proposed OmniTRAX frac sand facility would be allowed to proceed to trial.

In response, OmniTRAX’s lawyer immediately informed the judge that a trial would not be necessary, because in light of the court’s decision, OmniTRAX intends to abandon the project, before the first shovel has broken ground.

The Jackson Co. court’s decision in favor of the landowner plaintiffs in Ripp, et al. v. OmniTRAX follows the August 9 decision of the Wisconsin court of appeals in the case of Krueger, et al. v. AllEnergy, which concluded that Wisconsin law does recognize a claim for “anticipatory nuisance” in situations in which the harm has not yet arisen but is inevitable and certain if a planned course of conduct by a defendant is followed.

The plaintiffs in the case against OmniTRAX are three married couples who own land and live next to the area where the frac sand mine, processing facility and rail load-out facility were proposed to be constructed. They have been seeking to prevent the substantial disruption of their rural quality of life and health from the creation of a neighboring frac sand facility. They alleged in their complaint that the proposed OmniTRAX facility would create nuisance conditions, including, but not limited to toxic air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, light pollution, ground disruption and vibration due to blasting, destruction of agricultural and forested lands and landscapes and wetlands, adverse impact on endangered species, depletion of groundwater, and loss of property values. They further alleged that siting this mine as contemplated would unreasonably interfere with the rights of these landowners to the quiet and peaceful use and enjoyment of their property rights.


Read more in Chris Hubbuch's Wisconsin State Journal article.

More details at the memorandum decision and order denying motion to dismiss.

Friday, November 09, 2018

Make a Climate Call

From La Crosse Citizens' Climate Lobby:

To amplify the impact of these meetings and help to move Congress a step closer to climate legislation, please use the link below to call your legislators on Friday, November 9th. Its organized to make it very easy to make your calls. If you don't get through, you can leave a message Friday night or call on Monday, Nov. 12th.

Time and again we hear from members of Congress that they don't hear enough from their constituents that climate change matters to them. Calling your Senators and Representative is the first step in building a relationship with your congressional offices and creating the political will needed to address climate change.

Thursday, November 08, 2018

5 pm
Corner of West Avenue & Main Street

Nobody is Above the Law

Donald Trump has installed a crony to oversee the special counsel's Trump-Russia investigation, crossing a red line set to protect the investigation. By replacing Rod Rosenstein with just-named Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker as special counsel Robert Mueller's boss on the investigation, Trump has undercut the independence of the investigation. Whitaker has publicly outlined strategies to stifle the investigation and cannot be allowed to remain in charge of it. The Nobody Is Above the Law network demands that Whitaker immediately commit not to assume supervision of the investigation. Our hundreds of response events are being launched to demonstrate the public demand for action to correct this injustice. We will update this page as the situation develops.

Donald Trump just crossed a red line, violating the independence of the investigation pursuing criminal charges in the Trump-Russia scandal and cover-up.
Trump putting himself above the law is a threat to our democracy, and we’ve got to get Congress to stop him.
We're mobilizing immediately to demand accountability, because Trump is not above the law.

RSVP to attendIf you choose to attend an event, you agree to engage in nonviolent, peaceful action, to act lawfully, and to strive to de-escalate any potential confrontations with those who may disagree with our values.

I'm getting messages from folks saying the event is listed as being on Friday, but I'm not able to see where it says that. The event is TODAY, Thursday 11/8, @ 5pm at the corner of West Ave & Main Street in La Crosse. 

Please bring signs and wear red!

Also, please note, we are NOT planning to block traffic, just to hold up signs in the high-visibility area to raise awareness. 

Thank you all and hope to see you there!

Saturday, November 03, 2018

Life or death.


Get Out the Vote in La Crosse County!
Set your clock back tonight, grab an extra hour of sleep, wake up refreshed, and head down to the LCDP Office at 115 5th Ave S. in downtown La Crosse or to 1343 Pinecrest Ln in Onalaska for canvassing or phonebanking today, tomorrow, and election day.

Think of it this way: three hours of your time instead of four more years of Walker and Republicans.

Every additional phone call, every additional canvass packet that goes out, every additional contact is so important.

Walk-ins welcome. Send a message to Donald Trump and Scott Walker that Americans are ready for a change. 

And ...

Monday, October 15, 2018

Vote with your ballot (and your roof)

Absentee in person voting has started. In La Crosse, head to the City Clerk's office 2nd floor City Hall) between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. The clerk's website has more info, including a sample ballot. If you don't live in the city of La Crossed, contact your municipal clerk and check for your details. (If you vote early, you will be available for GOTV or driving people to vote or helping at the polls on election day).

One reason this election is so important is the increasingly dire warnings about catastrophic global warming. The latest report (and this is the concensus version which "waters down" some if the worst news) tells us we must make immediate and major large scale changes to carbon emitting systems. In addition, new warnings from cyber security experts, detail the apocalyptic effects a cyber attack on the US electricity and gas grid could have. Now is the time to plan to become as energy self-sufficient as possible.

On Tuesday at 6:30 pm you can learn about the Sierra Club's partnership with SunVest, Inc. to help people install solar on their rooftops. The program, at the Ho-Chunk Three Rivers House, 8th & Main, is free and open to all. Those who sign up for the Sierra Club/SunVest program will receive a free site assessment and analysis of solar capacity, cost, and payback time. The group buy gives a discount to those who sign up and SunVest will donate to the Sierra Club for every completed project. Read more about it at

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Important Actions Coming Soon

Whatever issues you may have with the DNC, Steny Hoyer, Tom Perez, Joe Manchin, the DPW, et al, the fact is we have important elections coming up soon and we don't want any more regressives in office. In fact, we want fewer regressives in office especially in Wisconsin where science has become an optional reality, global warming a forbidden concept, and good roads a distant memory (to name a few).

That means all hands on deck to work for fewer regressives which, this year, means more Dems. In La Crosse, the county Dem Party is hosting two weekends of action - this weekend and next, plus a four day GOTV action just before election day. Activities will include canvassing and phone banking to make Wisconsin SANE again.

If you can help with these efforts, please do. If you can do more, like join the party and help work from the ground up to transform its priorities and policies, do that, too.

Here are a few ways you can help immediately (from the Comfort Captain). Please email SUBJECT: Action Aid

This weekend we’re expecting upwards of 100-200 people coming through the Dem office before and after canvassing, on Saturday and Sunday this weekend and next. Then there's a week off before the big GOTV 4 day extravaganza, Sat 11-3 thru Tues 11-6, when we’re expecting 400+ people. They’ll be working 3 hour shifts starting at 9am til 9pm. 

We need healthy food for people both snacky stuff and hot crockpots. If you can help supply some food and comfort for these volunteers (and if you can be one yourself), please email!

Tuesday, October 09, 2018

October 14: Rally for Justice

for Women, People of Color, Immigrants, the LGBTQ Community & Environmental Justice


Sunday October 14, 2018: 1:00-3:00 pm
Copeland Park—1130 Copeland Drive 
 (park off Clinton Street west of Rose Street)

Hosted by The Reverend Krista Taves
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of La Crosse

Music by The Mayfield Experience

Thursday, October 04, 2018

Greater than Fear Rally TODAY

Rally and march in Rochester tomorrow (Thurs) 

A counterpoint to Trump's rally that night. The rally is noon-3:30 pm at Soldiers Field on Broadway. Program starts at 1:00, and march downtown and back. Positive and non-violent. Scroll down for details.  (Bring a sign if you’d like to.)

There’s parking at RCTC for park-and-ride.) 

Please pass this on to folks who oppose Trump and want to peacefully support tolerance and diversity.

MAP: of Rochester Community and Tech College (bus location)

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Community Market study

From City Planning:

Thanks to the City of La Crosse Common Council, Gundersen Health System, and Mayo Clinic Health System, the City has hired a consultant to begin a feasibility and site location study for a Public Market.  The selected consultant, Aaron Zaretsky, will be in town on October 3 and 4 and is interested in meeting with community members to educate on a public market and get input for his research on the feasibility and potential location.   

Mr. Zaretsky will be holding an informational session and will also be conducting one-on-one meetings as well as visiting important sites throughout the city.  Please let me know if you are interested in participating in any of the meetings by responding to this email.

This invitation is by no means exclusive.  Please pass this invitation along.

Andrea D. Schnick
Economic Development Planner
City of La Crosse
400 La Crosse Street
Office: 608.789.8321


These are really great community spaces. Check out these examples:

Jean Talon Market in Montreal
Leeds Kirkgate Market (largest covered market in Europe)
Reading Terminal Market in Philadelphia
Pike Place Market in Seattle

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Another world is possible

I am quite sure every woman on earth has had at least several of experiences similar to those described by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford. If we let it be, this is how this world is - the moral hierarchy of authoritarians  (as described by Prof. George Lakoff in Moral Politics: "The hierarchy is: God above Man, Man above Nature, The Disciplined (Strong) above the Undisciplined (Weak), The Rich above the Poor, Employers above Employees, Adults above Children, Western culture above other cultures, America above other countries. The hierarchy extends to: Men above women, Whites above Nonwhites, Christians above nonChristians, Straights above Gays.").

Working Families Party is calling for a solidarity walkout on Monday. "On Monday, September 24 at 1 pm ET/ 10 am PT people from all over the country will take part in a national walkout to stand in solidarity with Dr. Christine Blasey Ford. Please wear black and walk out from wherever you are — home, work, school — and then capture it in a selfie to post to social media with the hashtag #BelieveSurvivors. Click here for more information and to invite your friends"

It's a very small gesture but it's a step . Another world is possible if we don't get lulled into the media fueled lala land where Trump/NoTrump is the one and only subject of the day, if we don't accept minority rule, if we want a livable future, we will act. Every day. I hope you can participate.

I was going to write a short post to encourage everyone to see Michael Moore's new film, Fahrenheit 11/9. This is the perfect segue.

At the front, he asks, "How the fuck did we get here?" And then he masterfully, in my opinion, and logically crams some of the most important clues to that mystery into an hilarious, heartbreaking, maddening, saddening, frightening, stomach-twisting, tear-jerking Michael Moore movie.

Some say it's too disjointed, but to me it's like a multi-voiced fugue with all the seemingly disconnected stories woven together to describe exactly how the fuck we got here. And, more importantly, how we can make a different future.

Moore, an activist, believes activists, including those people whose activism is only, so far, the urge to throw up, have to get out there and say hell no. Hell no to raising a generation of traumatized by mass shootings teens, to crappy pay and conditions and inhumane treatment of public servants, ignoring mass murder by elected rich white guys whose only concern is turning a profit for cronies, compromises that keep the same well- connected, well-funded centrists in control, and so much more. (It's the duopoly, as Nader might say.)

It's a call to join and take over the party, run for office, stand up to corporate elitists whether they're the heads of corporations, the heads of parties, the heads of unions, or our own (supposed to be) public servants.

Go see it. It's at the Marcus on Ward Avenue at least through Wednesday. Take your young friends and then urge them to get active, too.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

September 22: 156th Anniversary of preliminary Emancipation Proclamation

4th Annual Juneteenth Citywide Celebration
Saturday, September 22, 2018
12:00 Noon to 5:00 p.m.
South Side Neighborhood Center and Poage Park

Juneteenth is the oldest nationally celebrated commemoration of the ending of slavery in the United States.

From its Galveston, Texas origin in 1865, the observance of June 19th as the African American Emancipation Day has spread across the United States and beyond.

This year there were two dates of Celebrations in La Crosse. The First Celebration was on Saturday, June 23, 2018 featuring the Enduring Families Project’s African-American Living Historical Tour.

During the American Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln issued the preliminary Emancipation Proclamation on September 22, 1862, with an effective date of January 1, 1863. This issuance of the Emancipation Proclamation on September 22nd is what inspired our second Juneteenth Celebration on Saturday, September 22, 2018.

Opening: 12:00 p.m. to 12:20 Shaundel Spivey, Cultural Liaison with the School District of La Crosse will have students present “What Juneteenth Means to Me.”

There will be two Reenactments Performed by the Enduring Families Project of the African American Living History Bus Tour that took place at AAMAN's Saturday, June 23, 2018, Juneteenth Celebration. If you missed those Tours, you will be well informed and educated about the history of African-Americans in La Crosse, Wisconsin.

1:35-1:50 p.m. Mandela Barnes, Democratic Lieutenant Governor candidate: Inspiring young people to register and vote in November.

The 1st 150 Participants EAT FREE. Meal provided by Piggy's Restaurant: Beginning at 1:50 p.m.
• Pulled Pork with Honey Dijon BBQ Sauce on Brioche Rolls
• Pickle spears
• Penne Pasta Salad

2:00-3:00 p.m. Participants visit Vendors, Organizations, City, and County Booths, Northgate Hair and Wigs-Rochester-MN Salon, Democratic Party, League of Women Voters, La Crosse Human
Services, Sheriff’s Department printing ID’s for kids and their parents, Rich Sims from UWL with
Student group sharing Basketball Handling to Kids and More!

Thanks to our Sponsors:
Enduring Families Project, Gundersen Lutheran Health System, Sheriff’s Department, La Crosse County Democratic Party, Viterbo University, La Crosse Historical Society, City of La Crosse, Explore La Crosse, La Crosse Parks &
Recreation, and La Crosse County.

For complete details or addition information contact Cecil Adams at and visit

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Mayor's Home Energy Challenge

New Program Offers Incentives to Property Owners Who Make Energy Efficiency Improvements
La Crosse homeowners who want to save on energy bills this winter and increase the comfort of their homes now have up to $4,100 in incentives available to them, depending on the variables explained in the fact sheet attached. Mayor Tim Kabat is launching the Home Energy Challenge, which gives the first 100 households who sign up the ability to receive incentives to cover a portion of the costs of making their homes more energy-efficient through insulation and air sealing.
The launch event is taking place at the home of Casey and Sonja Meehan, who chose to make home energy improvements themselves and are encouraging other homeowners to do the same. Casey and Sonja moved to La Crosse in the summer of 2014. They loved the idea of being able to walk, bike, or bus to work, the proximity to all the amenities downtown and on local college campuses, and the potential to be part of a close-knit neighborhood. One detractor was the poor energy efficiency of the older 1920s home that they purchased, but quickly realized that was something they could fix.
“Our home still had the original insulation in the attic, so it was really cold in the winter. After we had the work done, we noticed right away that the temperature in the house was way more comfortable. In addition to making our house more livable, we knew that the improvements were going to save us money in the long run as we wouldn’t be using as much heat.  We also felt it was simply the right thing to do from an environmental standpoint,” said Casey.
For the Mayor, launching this initiative is also about La Crosse residents coming together to make the City one of the most sustainable communities in Wisconsin. “If we accomplish our goal of 100 homes, the City would reduce its carbon dioxide emissions by 290 metrics tons per year, the equivalent of 317,676 pounds of coal burned or taking 62 vehicles off the road. That’s a really great investment in our community and our planet,” said Mayor Tim Kabat.
At the launch event, the Mayor will be joined by the City’s partners in the Home Energy Challenge- Xcel Energy and Focus on Energy. In addition, several local employers will be present who will be encouraging their employees to participate in the challenge.
For more information on the incentives being offered and more details about the program, go to