Another post from La Crosse Area Transit Advocates:
We're excited to see Transit Equity Days (January 31 through February 4) coming together! Our flyer is done and ready to be shared on social media. If you'd like a printed copy, please use this .pdf version.
Our transit riders story collection tools are ready to collect! Use the online form or look for a paper version at the Transit Center and Public Library. Plus, you can ride the circulator free from the one display to the other!
Local elected officials have stepped up to support the effort by passing a County Board proclamation and a City Council resolution. Governor Evers has also proclaimed February 4 as Transit Equity Day. Mayor Reynolds will also sure a proclamation.
On Monday, January 31 at 2:30 p.m. there will be a media event at the Transit Center with MTU Director Adam Lorentz and Mayor Reynolds to kick off the week of free fares and transit advocacy.
We are also welcoming local elected leaders to schedule a bus ride, so constituents can "Ride with Your Rep," and drivers and riders can talk about their transportation needs.
We're working on our display which will be at the La Crosse Public Library from Monday, January 31 through Friday, February 4. A companion display, sponsored by the MTU, will be at the Transit Center and feature highlights from We Walk: A History of the Amalgamated Transit Union Local 519 and La Crosse Labors, books on La Crosse area labor history by local labor leader and retired driver, Terry Hicks.
First time riders who would like a little support are welcome to email or call 608-315-2693. We'll connect you with a bus buddy who can ride along , explain how things work, and answer your questions.
And, we encourage you to pick up a THANK YOU, DRIVERS! sticker at one of the displays or download and print one or make your own sign to show appreciation for our essential transit drivers.
Please share this event, one of hundreds around the country, with your family, friends, co-workers and personal networks. Please plan to ride the bus at least once during Transit Equity Days, visit the displays, talk to drivers and riders, and learn why good public transit is a civil right and an important way to provide and equitable and just transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy.