Friday, April 28, 2006

What did you expect?

The Wisconsin Democracy Campaign has been reporting daily on the soap opera going on in the State Assembly. A bi-partisan campaign ethics reform bill, SB 1, has passed the Senate and has the Governor's nod. But the Assembly leadership, including Mike Huebsch of West Salem have just pulled the football once again. Here's the latest from the WDC:

"After briefly toying with scheduling a vote on Senate Bill 1, the Democracy Campaign-backed bill that would toughen state ethics enforcement, Assembly Republicans voted behind closed doors yesterday not to bring up the legislation before the end of the legislative session next week.

"Representatives Terri McCormick of Appleton and Sheryl Albers of Reedsburg were the only Assembly Republicans to vote to bring the bill to the floor, sources who attended the meeting told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

"Several Assembly GOP members said they and their colleagues did not believe there needs to be tougher enforcement of ethics laws and they worried that the proposed new enforcement agency would have nothing to do but investigate state lawmakers. Under SB 1, the new agency would be responsible for administering elections, regulating lobbyists, enforcing campaign finance laws and the state ethics code, as well as having the new authority to investigate and prosecute wrongdoing.

"Other Republican lawmakers indicated that action on SB 1 would be seen as a slap at convicted ex-Speaker Scott Jensen, who is due to be sentenced in less than three weeks."

So, Mike Huebsch, who got nearly 75% of his campaign funds from out of district in 2004, has killed a good first step at cleaning up politics in Wisconsin. The WDC invites those who can make it to Madison on Tuesday, May 2 to assemble at the State Capitol (by the Fighting Bob statue) at 10 a.m. to demonstrate support for SB 1.

And, if you can't go there physically, please call Huebsch (608) 266-2401 or (888) 534-0094 or at home in West Salem at 786-3512 (or you can email him) and demand a vote on SB 1.

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