Monday, April 22, 2019

This week in citizen action!

This Earth Week, please pledge to attend, participate, or host in at least one activity that will move our planet one eenth closer to a positive future. Check the calendar for a variety of options from learning about our childcare crisis and gun violence to voicing your opinions about climate change and institutional racism. Here are more details about a few of the activities coming this week:

It's VERY IMPORTANT that many Green New Deal supporters attend the Thursday, April 25 session with US Representative Ron Kind at 4:30 pm in room 3214 Centennial Hall, UWL. Rep. Kind has questions about whether or not an all out effort to avoid climate tipping points and limit the worst effects of catastrophic global warming is worth it. 

Afterward, get educated, Thursday, April 25 from 6 to 8 pm at Hackberry's Bistro, 315 Fifth Ave S. - The Death of Our Family Farm, a community conversation. Join us for dinner with members of the Voelker family, Wisconsin's Farmer's Union, and other farmers as we discuss the death of Wisconsin's family dairy farms. This discussion was prompted by a blog written by Abe Voelker. Please read it before you come if possible. Soup, salad, and bread provided. Donations accepted to help with event costs.

On Friday and Saturday, Take a Stand Against Racism and show your solidarity for immigrants. Stop by the SURJ table at Pearl Street Books from noon to 2:00 pm to take the Stand Against Racism pledge, test your knowledge with a sample citizenship test, learn facts related to common immigration myths and more.

Saturday is Neighbors Day. Sign up to help neighbors and clean up our community at the Habitat for Humanity website. Morning, afternoon, or all day shifts are available and lunch wiill be served at Myrick Park Center for those who help out.

Sunday is EARTH FAIR at Myrick Park from 11 am to 5 pm. This year, the hope is that it will be a ZERO WASTE event and there will b a ZERO WASTE INITIATIVE booth at the fair.

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