What sane species would allow its drinking water, the stuff that keeps beings alive, to be contaminated by chemicals, animal and human poop, pharmaceuticals, and more?
This week and month, you'll have the chance to hear the answer to that question AND what you can do about it.
Tuesday, March 15, the Coulee Region Sierra Club hosts an online program at 7 p.m. with Johnson Bridgewater, an organizer with the River Alliance of Wisconsin who has been working on the clean water referendum many (including La Crosse county voters) will see on the spring ballot and Jamie O'Neill, Outreach Coordinator at Viterbo University who will talk about the upcoming Agnes W.H. Tan Science Symposium focusing on clean water issues. The program is free and open to all. Register for access at tinyurl.com/CRSC-0315Water.
On Wednesday, March 16, the Interfaith Leaders Coalition will host an online program at noon called What's In Your Water? featuring Dr. Paul Bradley, U.S. Geological Survey, and Jason Lowery, Wisconsin DNR. For more information, visit Interfaith Leaders Coalition. Livestream the event on YouTube at noon on March 16.
And on Thursday, March 17 at 4:30, the League of Women Voters of the La Crosse Area will host a "Clean Water NOW" program about the referendum with Johnson and Jamie. Register and get more details at their site.
All three programs are worth attending to provide information about the issues and about how we can push for better policies and legislation. I can only imagine what our children will have to deal with by the middle of the century.
And, the programs will prepare you for the all day Agnes W.H. Tan Science Symposiu - What's in our Drinking Water? - at Viterbo University which will kick off on March 24 with an online address by Erin Brockovich and continue with an hybrid (in-person and online) event featuring many experts from our region and state from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Viterbo. Learn more at www.viterbo.edu/agnes-wh-tan-science-symposium
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