Thursday, August 03, 2023

One down, many to go

 Cross-posted from SPACE-La Crosse:

THE Crowley Park/Emerson shredded tire playground surface is being removed!


Join SPACE-La Crosse on Wednesday, August 16 at noon at Crowley Park/Emerson playground where we'll celebrate the removal of the rubber chips and spring and summer accomplishments, and learn what's next for SPACE-La Crosse!

News coverage of our summer "citizen science" experiment, recording temperatures of different play surfaces around the city, has helped more people become aware of the potential hazards recycled tires pose for children, adults, and our environment. Check out the reporting here:

We are still inviting you to join us is collecting data about the temperatures of different playspace surfaces. Check out an infrared digital thermometer from the La Crosse Public Library's Library of Things (or bring your own) and use this online form to report your results. Test as many spaces and surfaces as you wish!

In the meantime, we'll see you at Crowley Park/Emerson School on Campbell Road at noon on August 16 to celebrate this change for safer playspaces and community environments in La Crosse!

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