There are several opportunities for activists to get moving coming up - in Galesville, Madison and Washington, DC. Click below to learn how to get ACTIVE!
In Galesville, a new group, The Joint Minnesota/Wisconsin - Great Northern States' Citizen Initiative for Health Care Reform will meet in Galesville at 10 a.m. on Saturday, 1/20 at Jackie-O's. Email Dayle Anne for more info and to share a ride from La Crosse.
In Madison on Thursday, January 18, the Senate committee dealing with the ethics reform bill that is the subject of the special legislative session will hold a public hearing at 1 p.m. in Room 411 South in the Capitol. Read Wisconsin Democracy Campaign's testimony before the State Assmebly here.
On Monday, January 29, appointments have been made to lobby Wisconsin senators and Congressional representatives about getting out of Iraq. Sr. Virgine Lawinger in Milwaukee is coordinating the lobby appointments. She has made appointments with Kohl at 1:30 p.m. and Feingold at 2:30 p.m. We'd like all Wisconsin folks to meet with Kohl and Feingold (or their staffs) at the same time. We have an appointment with Sensenbrenner at 10:30 a.m. and are in process of scheduling with Gwen Moore for that morning. All appointments with our Representatives should be in the morning or after 3:30 p.m. so as not to conflict with the Senators meetings. However, many people may have to leave after 3:30 to catch a plane home so the morning is the best for most people.
There is a lobby training day in Washington on Sunday the 28th, organized by United for Peace and Justice. It is tentatively scheduled for a meeting at Bethesda High School, but the UFPJ web site should have the correct info. They plan time in the afternoon for people to gather by states to plan their lobbying on Monday so all of us Wisconsin folks can meet up on Sunday.
There will also be a gathering site in Washington DC for Wisconsin folks to gather before the March on Saturday, Jan 27. That site has not yet been assigned to us yet, but Peace Action Wis. will have that information soon. We'll try to get it on our website
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