Thursday, November 05, 2009

Driving while black?

from Wisconsin ACLU:

Effective January 1, 2011, all Wisconsin police officers are required to collect data that will be used to determine whether vehicles operated or occupied by racial minorities are disproportionately stopped. The data collected, collection method, and analysis will be determined by a new administrative rule. The Office of Justice Assistance (OJA), a state agency, is preparing the rule with the assistance of the Advisory Committee.

The public is invited to share their comments with the Traffic Stop Data Collection Advisory Committee on a rule being developed to assess the possibility of racial profiling in Wisconsin traffic stops at a public to attend a listening session next Wednesday, November 11th at the La Crosse Public Library, 800 Main Street from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. Please encourage people you know to attend and speak out.

If you are part of the media have any questions about the listening session, please contact OJA: Tami Jackson, Office of Justice Assistance, Public and Media Relations Officer, Office: 608-266-6476, tami.jackson[at]

If you are an advocate with questions about racial profiling, please contact Chris Ahmuty, Executive Director, ACLU of Wisconsin, Cell: 414.704.6226, CAhmuty[at]

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