Sunday, February 21, 2010


Fresh the MovieDon't forget to attend the screening MONDAY NIGHT of the new film, FRESH, Monday, February 22, 7:00 p.m., Graff Main Hall Auditorium, UW-L.

From the website:
FRESH is more than a movie, it’s a gateway to action. Our aim is to help grow FRESH food, ideas, and become active participant in an exciting, vibrant, and fast-growing movement.

When I write we, I don’t mean our small team (officially two of us, with lots of amazing helps from our interns and volunteers) but I mean YOU. All of you. FRESH is a grassroots efforts for a grassroots movement. It’s been tremendously exciting to see the movie catch on and spread like wild fire, being used all over the country as a platform to raise awareness and connecting people to the solutions available in their community.

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