Thursday, October 11, 2018

Important Actions Coming Soon

Whatever issues you may have with the DNC, Steny Hoyer, Tom Perez, Joe Manchin, the DPW, et al, the fact is we have important elections coming up soon and we don't want any more regressives in office. In fact, we want fewer regressives in office especially in Wisconsin where science has become an optional reality, global warming a forbidden concept, and good roads a distant memory (to name a few).

That means all hands on deck to work for fewer regressives which, this year, means more Dems. In La Crosse, the county Dem Party is hosting two weekends of action - this weekend and next, plus a four day GOTV action just before election day. Activities will include canvassing and phone banking to make Wisconsin SANE again.

If you can help with these efforts, please do. If you can do more, like join the party and help work from the ground up to transform its priorities and policies, do that, too.

Here are a few ways you can help immediately (from the Comfort Captain). Please email SUBJECT: Action Aid

This weekend we’re expecting upwards of 100-200 people coming through the Dem office before and after canvassing, on Saturday and Sunday this weekend and next. Then there's a week off before the big GOTV 4 day extravaganza, Sat 11-3 thru Tues 11-6, when we’re expecting 400+ people. They’ll be working 3 hour shifts starting at 9am til 9pm. 

We need healthy food for people both snacky stuff and hot crockpots. If you can help supply some food and comfort for these volunteers (and if you can be one yourself), please email!

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