Friday, October 18, 2019

Hate and Bias

This week we learned that the City of La Crosse's attorney considers the phrase HATE HAS NO HOME HERE to be "political" and therefore not appropriate to be displayed in a public park. At least that's what the Tribune article says. You could politely contact our city council and our Mayor to provide your opinion. Wisconsin has "hate crimes" definitions and statutes, so apparently there is legal precedent for preferring no hate, at least when crimes are committed. We need, I think, to stop the Owellian slide - black is white, crime is legal, war is peace, hate is good, etc.

[UPDATE: We've heard that the city strongly supports the message that hate has no home here and is working on updated displays to that effect that will be placed at various locations around the city by the end of the year.]

On Saturday, (from 10 to noon at English Lutheran Church), learn about unconscious bias at a program sponsored by Creating a Healthier Multicultural Community (CHMC), a program that responds to the desire of many residents of the predominantly white La Crosse region to widen their awareness, understanding, respect and empathy for the lived realities of people with a wide range of racial, cultural, and ethnic backgrounds. For more information go to

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