Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Planned Parenthood

 from Planned Parenthood Advocates of Wisconsin

La Crosse Planned Parenthood will be at Pearl Street Books on January 22 from 4 PM - 7 PM to mark the 47th anniversary of Roe v. Wade. We’ll have a table set up to sign up interested volunteers & a photo booth for folks to share why they vote on social media!

47 years after the Supreme Court ensured the right to safe and legal abortion in its landmark ruling, Roe v. Wade, the threat to reproductive healthcare has never been in more danger.

With two Trump justices on the Supreme Court, it is neither non-partisan nor fair with a strong leaning toward protecting the rich and powerful. Anti-choice extremists are passing radical laws in the states with the goal of overturning Roe v. Wade.

In the United States, abortion may be legal, but it is not accessible for many Americans. Even if Roe stands in the Supreme Court for decades to come, we have a lot of work to do to ensure that your ability to get an abortion doesn’t rely on your zip code.

The only way to hold our elected officials accountable is to vote, and we know your vote in Wisconsin matters. Trump only won the state by .77%, which means that if we just increase voter turnout here in La Crosse and in the surrounding areas, we have the power to change the course of the next election. On the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, we are asking you to share with our elected officials why you plan to vote in 2020.

Planned Parenthood is unapologetically committed to fighting back against the attacks on our right to abortion and other reproductive rights services. That’s why we’re here today. We know that by building a community of people in Wisconsin who want to fight for our rights, we can show our elected officials here in Wisconsin that we expect the same from them. And if they don’t fight for our rights than we plan to vote them out.


We definitely can’t do this alone, so we are asking the people of La Crosse to show up and share their commitment to voting.

If you are available to help table and collect petitions,at upcoming events, we are asking volunteers to sign up for hour-long shifts. Please email to get involved now!

For more info about coming opportunities to support Planned Parenthood and women's rights including paid family leave, and the rights of free and equal citizens to control their own bodies and life and health choices, visit Planned Parenthood Wisconsin,.

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