First, can we agree that this is not a festive time? Party's over. Time to act. Have you read the latest IPCC report? Here are a few headlines:
'It's now or never': UN climate report shows globe is on 'track toward an unlivable world'
Climate Report Offers Some Hope, but the Need for Action is Urgent
Is what we are doing decreasing carbon emissions and reducing the need for people to use fossil fuels, like driving around in fossil fuel vehicles, or isn't it? That is the question.
Wednesday at noon: How EVs can help save the world. In person at English Lutheran Church, 16th & King. The #2 bus stops at 16th and Cass.
Friday at 11:30 a.m.: Earth Day - Protect the Future. Weigent Park.
Saturday at noon: Solar Schools Bike Tour. Start at Hamilton School, 1111 7th St. S.
Sunday from 11 to 5: Earth Fair. Myrick Park.
How to reduce household emissions:
- Go car-free or car-light. Use active transportation - walk, bike, bus - whenever possible. Combine trips. Car pool. For long distance travel, use the bus or train. Don't put schools on the edge of town.
- Eat local, mostly vegetables. Help grow gardens. Cook with electricity, not gas.
- Insulate and tighten your house as much as possible. If you can, switch to electricity for heating. In summer, suck in cooler air at night, then close up and pull shades during hot days.
- Get involved in La Crosse's Climate Action Plan but taking the survey, sharing your story, hosting a public meeting about it, and supporting action steps when they are finalized. Tell others how to reduce emissions. Our whole globe needs to do this. One household can be the model. One community can make a difference.
- Demand coverage of the climate crisis in our media. Talk to others about the urgency of this issue.
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