Monday, October 28, 2024

Hurricane relief & public input


From November 1 through 3, The La Crosse County Sheriff's Office is coordinating a hurricane relief donation drive at the Onalaska Omni Center. Drop off donations on Friday, Nov. 1, from 4-9 p.m., on Saturday, Nov. 2, from 10-6 p.m., or on Sunday, Nov. 3, from 12-6 p.m. Suggestions for donations include non-perishable food items, baby formula, diapers, batteries and flashlights. Share the FB link.

The City of La Crosse is currently in the process of developing its 2025-2029 Consolidated Plan, which plays a crucial role in determining how it allocates federal Housing and Urban Development  funding to support our community’s needs.


You are invited to participate in a brief survey to help guide the process. The survey will take about 10 minutes to complete and responses will remain confidential. 


Please take the survey by December 8.

A public hearing and a vote by the county board on La Crosse County's 2025 budget is scheduled for Tuesday, Nov. 12 at 5 p.m. in room 1700 County Admin Building (7th & State). It is not clear if there will be an online attendance option. Get the agenda ("coming soon") and more details here:

Per the county, "The proposed $205 million spending plan is balanced and supports about 1,000 county staff and many vital programs.

Why it matters: The county's budget includes a 3% raise for employees with no increase in health insurance premiums. The budget also addresses long-term community needs.

Homelessness: Three social workers will move to a specialized unit (expanding the unit from three to six positions) working under Pathways Home, our city-county homelessness response plan. Three peer support specialist positions are also being created. Watch for a major ramp up in housing efforts in 2025, with a goal of zero unsheltered by the end of the year.

Elderly Care: Our $19.6 million project to reimagine Hillview Health Care Center is on schedule to be complete by December 2025. The project includes an intergenerational center, a dementia crisis stabilization unit, and a new Community Based Residential Facility.

Broadband: The county is hiring a Broadband Specialist, building off work to prepare for an expansion of high-speed internet across the county. The position will work to develop relationships with providers and access grant funding.

Download the County Administrator's Recommended 2025 budget here.

On Wednesday, November 13 from 4 to 6 p.m. the La Crosse Area Planning Committee (LAPC) will host an open house with information about the 2050 Metropolitan Transportation Plan process. 

There is already an online survey (that's pretty vague) and mapping input section at their website,

Take the short survey and add your ideas to the interactive comment map by clicking here. Help spread the word by sharing the survey with friends and family. And, if you can, attend the open house on November 13.

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