Tuesday, January 07, 2025


From the ACLU of Wisconsin:

This morning, the Senate Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety held a public hearing and executive session and passed SJR-2, a joint resolution that proposes to enshrine specific voter ID requirements in the state constitution.

This committee hearing was publicly posted Monday evening without the required 24-hour notice.

This proposed referendum would make it more difficult for eligible voters to cast their ballot, particularly voters with disabilities, students, first-time voters, low-income and unhoused voters, and Native, Black, and Latino voters. Wisconsin already has some of the strictest voter ID laws in the country.

If legislators pass this resolution for a second time, voters could see more referendum questions on the April 1, 2025 ballot.

The full Senate plans to vote on SJR-2 during a rushed floor session tomorrow. The Assembly Committee on Campaigns and Elections has also scheduled a public hearing on the Assembly version of the bill (AJR-1) for tomorrow morning at 10 a.m. in Room 300 Northeast at the State Capitol. The full Assembly intends to vote on the legislation during a floor session next week.

We submitted testimony against the measure, but we need your help.

Your voice can impact the outcome of these votes. The margins are razor-thin, and you can be the difference. It is critical that everyone in the state has accessible voting.

Tell your Senator and Representative to vote no on SJR-2/AJR-1.

Step 1: Find your legislators' number and email.

Step 2: Call or email your Senator and Representative and tell them to "vote no" on SJR-2/AJR-1

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