Thursday, November 02, 2006

Local movie on hate crime and gay students - Premiere 11/4 and 5

The Details: A movie premiere of "The Shadow of the Fire" on Saturday November 4th and Sunday November 5th at 3:00pm each day at the Rivoli Theater in downtown La Crosse.

My name is Scott Thompson and I'm a filmmaker from western Wisconsin. We'd like to extend an invitation to you to attend the premiere of a movie we produced in the area last winter called "The Shadow of the Fire", which is on the subject of hatred. In 1999, I wrote and co-produced "Greta's Song" with the Theatre du Mississippi, a film about domestic abuse.

Our current film, "The Shadow of the Fire," was shot mostly in Winona, with other scenes shot in Wisconsin and New York. In the film, three high school students are suspended for hate speech against an openly gay student who has just been found beaten into a coma. But it is a fourth student, from a very "normal" home, who seems to harbor the most hate of all.

The film is not violent. The goal of the film is to initiate discussion among people afterwards. We didn't set out to make an Oscar-winner, but I think it will cause people to talk with one another after its over.


Pass the word. See more about Thompsons' film at his website.

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