Wednesday, January 14, 2009

National Single Payer Health Call in Day

National Health Care for Allfrom Wisconsin Network for Peace and Justice:

Call Congress - Support HR 676 – Single Payer Healthcare. Call 1-202-224-3121

United For Peace and Justice encourages you to join this nationwide Congressional call-in day. This is the second such call-in day, organized by the Leadership Conference for Guaranteed Healthcare - National Single Payer Coalition.

Make your calls to the Washington, D.C. offices of the House of Representatives. HR 676 has been reintroduced in the 111th Congress. There are 86 cosponsors in the House from the 110th Congress who have been sworn into the 111th session. The goal set by the National Single Payer Coalition is to double those sponsors through this massive call-in on Thursday and other efforts. [You can see a map of who is a co-sponsor at this web site. You guessed it! Ron Kind is NOT a co-sponsor! - CP]

If you do not know who your Representative is or how to reach her/him, click on to -- and then enter your zip code on the upper right corner where it says "Find Your Officials". The Congressional call-in number is 202-224-3121.

When you make the call, be sure to ask if your Representative is already a sponsor of HR 676. If they are, thank them and urge them to do all they can to help it pass.

If your Representative is not yet a sponsor, urge them to become one now. (Visit Healthcare NOW for talking points.) They can also attend a briefing on HR 676 that will be held on Wednesday, January 28 from 3 to 5 p.m. in the halls of Congress.

If you can make one more call, please call one or both of your Senators to support companion legislation to HR 676 in the Senate.

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