[UPDATE: The J&A committee voted against the resolution 4 to 3 but the issue will come before the full council on Thursday, March 14 at 6 pm at City Hall. Please email all council members and call you own council member and come to the March 14 meeting if you can (no public hearing is scheduled). And, while you're at it, please advocate for *real* protected and separated with physical barriers from moving traffic bike lanes not just magic paint.]
You may know that the city wishes to improve bicycle infrastructure on the north side and that the Gillette Street plan includes removing a few blocks of parking on one side of the street to allow for a bike lane (and I think we're just talking paint and not a real protected bike lane).
If you attended or heard about the meeting on the Clinton Street bridge bike improvements a while back you will know that there is a contingent of residents for whom a bike lane is the very worst thing that could ever exist in the universe and no energy will be spared to cry and wail and carry on to stop it.
You may know that the city wishes to improve bicycle infrastructure on the north side and that the Gillette Street plan includes removing a few blocks of parking on one side of the street to allow for a bike lane (and I think we're just talking paint and not a real protected bike lane).
If you attended or heard about the meeting on the Clinton Street bridge bike improvements a while back you will know that there is a contingent of residents for whom a bike lane is the very worst thing that could ever exist in the universe and no energy will be spared to cry and wail and carry on to stop it.
So now there's a new plan to ensure no safe biking on Gillette Street
***Resolution prohibiting bike lane construction on Gillette Street from Rose Street to Onalaska Avenue.***
And that's where we come in. Please check out this silly resolution and if you can, attend the J&A meeting and also email the whole council about what is most important here (Banning bike lanes is not it.) Council@cityoflacrosse.org
Judiciary & Administration Committee
Tuesday, March 5, 2019 - 6:00 p.m., Council Chambers City Hall
Agenda: http://cityoflacrosse.legistar .com/View.ashx?M=A&ID=673891& GUID=20A2E7EC-B23B-4ECD-B212- D24E8F751430
Resolution prohibiting bike lane construction on Gillette Street from Rose Street to Onalaska Avenue. (Council Rep Scott Neumeister who represents District 2 and is running unopposed for re-election is the sponsor of the resolution).
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