Wednesday, April 08, 2020

Learning during isolation

Rep. Vos suits up to
excise WI's voting rights.
While we ponder the THREE PERCENT in-person turnout in Milwaukee forced by all the Republicans (it's NOT just Trump - he is just the guy who stands on the sidewalk juggling flaming bags of dog poo while his gang loots the bank), here are some suggestions for coronavirys time at home:

Some of us have the luxury of being home and having extra time. For those of us fortunate enough to also have internet access, there are incredible opportunities for learning. Here's a short list:

Coursera offers great free (audit) courses in a variety of issues, including
* Unraveling the Cycling City offered through the University of Amsterdam
* The Science of Well-Being, from Yale University
* Global Warming I: The Science and Modeling of Climate Change from U of Chicago

EdX is another portal for world-class learning. Current courses on offer include:
* Climate Change: The Science and Global Impact taught by Dr. Michael Mann
* Electric Cars Introduction, the first of an EV series from the Technical University of Delft
* Human Rights, Human Wrongs: Challenging Poverty, Vulnerability, and Social Exclusion - one of several courses offered by SDG Academy, an initiative of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network

Brush up on or learn a new language at DuoLingoBBC Languages, or Open Culture. (By the way, OC also includes links to great lectures by all kinds of people from Carl Sagen to Leonard Bernstein and Toni Morrison).

Learn about square-foot gardening, container gardening, lasagna gardening, keyhole  gardening, bag gardening, vertical gardening, and wild gardening.

And, the Orwell prize long list is out in case you are looking for pertinent reading material.

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