Friday, November 06, 2020

November 7 Rally - Fighting for a Better Tomorrow

Why this is so important! 


We look at Donald Trump’s attempts to undermine the U.S. presidential election with Jane McAlevey, a union organizer, negotiator and senior policy fellow at UC Berkeley’s Labor Center who was an eyewitness to the 2000 Florida recount. She says the 2000 election holds lessons for today, when Democrats allowed Republicans to claim a controversial victory. “We have to have a counternarrative. We have to have very large numbers of people in the streets.”

With the 2020 votes almost counted, we are at the cusp of the end of the election season. Voters across Wisconsin and the country have spoken and chosen our next president. Our neighbors and communities have chosen a new vision for the future coming from the White House.

Tomorrow, Saturday, November 7th, join Citizen Action of Wisconsin, SEIU, Opportunity Wisconsin, Leaders Igniting Transformation and area progressives in Copeland Park at 1PM for a day of celebration as we refocus on the future and fight for the tomorrow Wisconsinites voted for. No one election; it is so important to remind all of us across Southwest Wisconsin to stay engaged, activated and focused!

From 1PM to 3PM the park will be filled with the sounds and voices of performers and speakers coming together - culminating in a socially distanced protest along Copeland Ave calling on all of us to keep working on issues such as racial justice, police reform, climate justice, healthcare for all, fair wages, immigration reform, and women’s rights.

RSVP for this event here to stay up to date on event details! Speakers for the event will include newly elected progressive leaders, local climate activists, student leaders and a several Wisconsin activism superstars!  There will also be performers and refreshments on hand for everyone.  Please share this event with your own network so we can build a great celebration!

Safety in the age of COVID is very front of mind tomorrow.  Masks and hand sanitizer will be available for free, and social distancing will be a must for everyone attending.

 We must do everything we can to stay in the fight for a better tomorrow.  We hope you will be able to join us at this very special event!

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