"It's absolutely clear now that we must stop having new oil, new coal, etc. if we're going to have any chance of any livable future. This isn't, by the way, any more about staying below 1.5°C. I work at the University of East Anglia, and the climate scientists I work with are all clear, at least in private, that the 1.5° goal is gone. That kind of brutal truth-telling, we're still not getting. And, even in this terrible situation, where we're going to be going through 1.5°, they're still planning to do more oil and gas.
"So, the point is: what are we all going to do? What is each and every one of us going to do in response to this difficult situation? ... We all have a responsibility now to step up. The world is watching. The future is watching."
What can I do?
* Change personal and family habits: drive less, combine trips, share rides and errands, take the bus or bike, reduce energy use, seal and insulate, upgrade appliances, consider heat pump water heater and furnace, consider e-bike or EV, consider solar panels, eat less or no meat and dairy, don't waste food, quit plastic, ...
* Read La Crosse's Climate Action Plan and the action steps. How can you help make these changes happen?
* Talk about climate collapse and personal actions to everyone - neighbors, family, colleagues, team members, classmates, fellow community group members. Share what you know and what you are doing. Help and encourage others to make changes.
* Look for ways to make or advocate for changes at your school, workplace, club, organization, faith and/or community group. Find your power and use your power.
* Pay attention and get involved with local city, school board, and county planning and budget decisions. Do they include or ignore the climate emergency? Push to make climate action a priority in every official thing.
* Join climate action organizations and groups. Get involved in campaigns to stop fossil fuel expansion like Dairyland Power Co-op's NTEC or Xcel's Wheaton plans.
* Support climate action candidates and push current elected officials to do more faster. We don't have the luxury of waiting. Emissions must be halved from 2005 levels in just 6.5 years.
If we do nothing, it doesn't just go away. It just gets worse. We must stop.
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