Tuesday, March 12, 2024

The politics of mental pathology

March 13, 5:30 - 7 p.m.

In the new era of politics, the psychological manipulation of voters is seen as more expedient than offering and driving solutions for citizens' core issues. In Social Media's stupor, the truth seems to be freely opposed, devalued, or at best ignored. To win public office today, performance politics and tugging on constituents' emotional strings are increasingly more powerful tools than offering field expertise and policy solutions. This unmooring from reality is contagious, numbing, and self-sustaining; it is the biggest threat to our democracy.

In a wide-ranging and timely conversation with Jonathan Lemire, world-renowned forensic psychiatrist Dr. Bandy Lee will share insights on the importance of mental fitness in candidates and also the collective mental health of their core supporters. Dr. Lee points out the ineffectiveness of traditional methods of fighting misinformation and emphasizes the crucial role politically unaffiliated, neutral mental health professionals could play in explaining the mass psychosis and mitigating its growth. She also offers guidance on how we can all contribute to restoring faith in democratic institutions and in truth.

Time will be allocated for Q&A.

Cosponsored by Harvard and Princeton Clubs of Washington DC

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