Wednesday, May 08, 2024

Friday Strike for Rafah



We are witnessing the final stages of genocide taking place in Rafah.

We call upon people of conscience worldwide to conduct a global strike in solidarity with the people of Gaza & demand an immediate ceasefire.

Here is what to do:

On Friday 10th May:
1. Do not work.
2. Do not purchase any goods or services.
3. Do not make any transactions on your debit/credit cards
  • Spread the message
  • Record your own video/photo or draft a message announcing that you will join
  • Share your announcement on social media inc X/Instagram/FB/LinkedIn/Tik Tok and any other platform.
This strike aims to deliver a shock to the global economy and compel political leaders to take all measures to fulfil their moral, political and legal obligations to prevent genocide.

This initiative has no political leader or central organising body. It will succeed through each individual hearing this message, and taking action to the best of your ability.

The power of the people is greater than the people in power. Join the strike and Rise for Rafah.

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