Thursday, August 03, 2017

Health Care updates

This is from Citizen Action of Wisconsin. They are still seeking a few dozen people to commit to donating $20 per month (more or less if you wish) to hire a full time, state Healthcare for All organizer. Anyone in Wisconsin may join this statewide co-op. If they don't meet their goal of 280 members by August 20, no one will be charged anything. Find out more at their Healthcare for All co-op website.

In the meantime, they are not just sitting around waiting for that goal to be met! Here's the latest:

Citizen Action of WisconsinWe can't wait one more minute to give Wisconsinites the option to choose BadgerCare as their health insurance. 

Molina Healthcare just announced that they will no longer sell individual health insurance plans in Wisconsin following Trump's sabotage, leaving one county completely without an individual health insurance option. Several other counties have only one or two options, with sky-rocketing premiums.

We have the solution
Allow any Wisconsinite to pick BadgerCare as their individual health insurance plan.They would pay a premium just like regular health insurance. The infrastructure is already there, no taxes would need to be raised.

Right this very minute, Rep. Genrich (one of our organizing co-op members) has a bill at the state capitol that would do this, but corporate lobbyists will kill it if we don't organize and fight back. 

Huge, corporate insurance companies shouldn't have a monopoly on the market. This bill has been called a 'pragmatic' solution to the problem. Let's make this happen. Sign this petition today and join our Healthcare for All Organizing Co-Op to fight for big ideas like this!

Katie Dunn, Organizer 

Healthcare for All Organizing Co-op

Founded by Citizen Action of Wisconsin and

Wisconsin Federation of Nurses and Health Professionals


Meanwhile on the national stage, HR 676 Medicare for All now has 116 co-sponsors (still no Ron Kind). And in the Senate, Bernie Sanders is crafting a similar bill, as this August 2 Guardian (UK) article reports:
The Vermont senator will spend the next several weeks leading a campaign to build support for his plan before unveiling the bill next month. On Wednesday, he launched a six-figure digital advertising campaign on Facebook and Google that encourages supporters to become “citizen co-sponsors” of his plan, which he calls “Medicare for All”, according to Sanders spokesman Josh Miller-Lewis, a reference to the public healthcare program for older Americans.

Monday's Commoner Call highlighted several excellent articles about healthcare including
* It's Time for the Compassionate Adults in This Nation to Talk Seriously About Medicare for All
by Dr. Carol Paris (Common Dreams)
* While the Uninsured Suffer and Die: 70 Top Healthcare CEOs Raked in $9.8 Billion Since 2010 by Jake Johnson (Common Dreams)
* Al Gore Breaks With Democratic Party Leadership to Support Single -Payer Healthcare by Eleanor Sheehan (Fusion)

In addition, The Sanders Institute and National Nurses United delivered a paper to every member of Congress last week. Medicare For All vs All the Healthcare Each Can Afford analyzes our current fragmented healthcare system and suggests a system of healthcare reflecting the nurses' values of caring, compassion and community. You can read it at the link.

Why Single-Payer Health Care Saves Money by Robert H. Frank (NY Times) looks at the numbers and concludes that single-payer is the way to go.

And, we've heard that a screening of the new film, Now is the Time - Healthcare for Everybody, is in the works for this fall.


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