Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Community hosting: Frances Moore Lappe

from La Crosse United to Amend:

We have an important and unexpected event coming up on March 5.

We been reading "Daring Democracy, Igniting Power, Meaning and Connection for the America We Want" by Frances Moore Lappe and Adam Eichen. We are so impressed by the way they tell the story of how our democracy has succumbed to the effects of money in politics and we are so inspired by their solutions to this problem.  On a whim, we contacted Ms. Lappe's Small Planet Institute to ask about the possibility of her coming to La Crosse before April as a part of our community awareness and Get Out the Vote plans. 
Incredibly, within less than a week we have been able to secure Ms. Lappe to to come and speak on March 5 at 7p.m. at the Main Theater at Viterbo University. 

Richard Kyte, the Endowed Professor of the D. B. Reinhart Institute for Ethics in Leadership at Viterbo expressed immediate excitement at the prospect of bringing Ms. Lappe to La Crosse and performed wonders in arranging a night at their wonderful and very busy venue with receptions before and after her speech at no charge to us. Viterbo will also use their communication network and other resources to help us draw people from across the tri-state area for this event. He expects an audience of over 450 people.

Because of Viterbo's generosity we are going to be able to make this event open to the public free of charge. We also plan to send postcards to everyone who signed the La Crosse United to Amend petition.
We will need to raise some money to pay for Ms. Lappe's expenses and for the mailing. We are working at recruiting sponsors for this event and requesting donations from area individuals, organizations and corporations.If you can help by donating to help pay for the speaker's fee and/or the mailing, please contact La Crosse United to Amend.

We hope you can participate in making it happen and that, most importantly you can attend and you will invite others to do so, too.

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