Friday, September 11, 2015

LaX 4 Bernie - Fuel the Bern #6

September 11, 2015


[Note: if ever a sign up link doesn't work, just go to and search by zip code 54601.]

MINGLE for Bernie at PRIDE Fest! (Riverside Park any time between 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Saturday, September 12) Wear your Bernie shirt, hat, and/or buttons. Wear an “Ask me about BERNIE” button and hand out lit (we provide button/flyers) to people who ask. Support diversity in our community, enjoy some good food and vibes, and spread the word about Bernie, a strong ally and supporter of the LGBTQ community for decades. This is an official Bernie event! RSVP here: Come and get your button/lit at the Bernie table at Cameron Park on Saturday morning between 9:30 and 11:30 a.m.

Ongoing Tabling We could really use a few NEW people to sign up for a slot tabling at Cameron Park! We still have several slots open (Friday evening or Saturday morning) through the end of October. The table and all you need (including instructions) are provided and easy to set up. You will be helping get Bernie's name and message out to people. It's very easy and if you go with a friend it's a pleasant way to spend a couple of hours. And you can shop for great food when you are done! Sign up at If you want some training before you sign up, have trouble using the sign up site, or have any questions, please email Cathy.

MINGLE for Bernie at Hmong New Year! (CRUSA Fields for Kids (2400 Hauser St) any time between 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. either day, Saturday, September 19 or Sunday, September 20.) Wear an “Ask me about BERNIE” button and hand out lit (we provide button/flyers) to people who ask. This is a great opportunity to support our Hmong friends and neighbors, enjoy amazing music, dancing, arts, culture, food, sports and more PLUS spread the word about Bernie. This is an official Bernie event! RSVP here for Saturday: and here for Sunday:

MARCH for Bernie in the Applefest Parade! Sunday, September 20 from 1 to 3:30 p.m. Wear your BERNIE gear (we have signs or bring your own!) This is an official Bernie event! RSVP here:

LETTER to the EDITOR WRITING WORKSHOP Thursday, September 24 any time between 5:45 and 7:45 p.m. at La Crosse Public Library, 800 Main St., La Crosse. We need letters to the editor about BERNIE! Before you come, pick ONE thing you like about Bernie, you like about his position, you think is important for the next president to address. We will have paper, pencils, a couple of laptops (bring your own if you wish), and help with researching, honing and editing. If you want, read this good HOW TO WRITE A LETTER TO THE EDITOR article before you come. RSVP here:

DEBATE WATCH PARTY! Tuesday, October 13, time and location TBA. This is the first of VERY FEW “debates” among Democratic presidential candidates and it will be broadcast on CNN so if you are like hundreds of thousands of American who do not have cable or satellite or high speed, unlimited data internet access, this is about the only way you will be able to watch this very important program (if you think something is wrong that you have to PAY to watch presidential candidates debate the issues, join the club!) As soon as we know the time, we will set up a location. In the meantime, RSVP here:

More Leafleting If you'd like to drop leaflets in your neighborhood, Cathy can help you set up a walk route. Quarter page two-sided leaflets are available - $3 per 100 flyers. We will try to get group leafleting organized by October. If anyone would like to help set up routes, please email Cathy.
OTHER EVENTS - Fighting Bob Fest will be on Saturday, September 19 in Madison. Many great progressive speakers (Russell Feingold and Ed Schultz, for example). Bernie has spoken at FBF before but so far he's not on the list. If you plan to go and want to car pool, email Jack (logos2010[at]

LABOR DAY PARADE - We had a great turnout on Monday. More than a dozen BERNIE marchers, nearly half of the Democratic party contingent, marched and gave out candy and flyers. Some of us stayed at Labor Fest where we signed up more people to the La Crosse 4 Bernie group. (Thanks to Jackie and James for photos). 
WE ARE GETTING STUFF! - Thanks to a few generous donors(This will be stored at LaX4Bernie HQ (Jackie's) and may be signed out for events. Some things can be given out and for others, we would want a donation with that money circulated back into another order. Items will be clearly marked and we'll let you know when stuff comes. In the mean time, you can always get your own stuff at the Bernie store:

VOTER REGISTRATION TRAINING. Get trained to register voters in the City of La Crosse (this training may also be accepted in other jurisdictions, but you will have to check with each clerk to make sure). There is a two hour session on October 20 at 5:30 p.m. in the third floor conference room at La Crosse City Hall (400 La Crosse Street). To sign up, call Teri Lehrke, City Clerk, at 789-7556. Voter registration is a non-partisan activity, but the more people registering people to vote, the better.

If you have already been certified by attending one of the earlier sessions, there is an opportunity for you to also be certified to register City of Onalaska voters by attending a workshop on Thursday, September 24 at 1 p.m. in Onalaska. If you wish to attend this training, please email Cathy no later than September 22 for details.

STUDENTS FOR BERNIE! If you are a UW-L student, please email William at wjm2016b[at] or call 608 618-3189 to get connected to the UW-L Bernie group. If you are OR KNOW a Viterbo or WTC student interested in organizing at that campus, please email Cathy
LAX4BERNIE TEAMS - Time for the TEAMS to GET ACTIVE! Who will set up the next event? Who will organize a letter to the editor party? Who will look for supplies for upcoming canvassing? Who will help set up some canvassing activities? OUTREACH, MEDIA, HOME, and CANVASSING teams are up and running. To join one or more, please email Cathy.

HELP LAX4BERNIE GROW! Do you know people in our area who want to help elect Bernie Sanders? Please have them email to be put on the mailing list and get information about local activities and opportunities to help or forward this newsletter to them.

COOLEST BERNIE SITE OF THE WEEK: Bernie Sanders 2016 Songs - a YouTube list of about 40 songs for Bernie's campaign from homemade to pro. I think my favorites are Tony Tig's rap Feel the Bern and Windborne Music's Give Bernie Sanders Your Vote.

* Daily Kos Bernie News Roundup (seach BNR at
* Reddit Sanders for President (
* Bernie's site!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

From LaX4Bernie members:

I found this in the comments to a great Bernie story in today's Guardian. You have links to many of these sites, but there are a few more you might want to add.

Here's the story:

Stand With Bernie, compare, follow, spread the word, help in campaign...