Thursday, January 04, 2018

Country wide rail safety rallies tomorrow

from Jim in MN:

Minneapolis:  Event planned for 2:30 pm Friday January 5th at Canadian Consulate, 701 4th Ave. South.  Join us to show support for workers scapegoated workers in Lac-Mégantic and in concern of the recent Amtrack disaster in DuPont.  See below for background. (NOTE: Seattle protest is today, but Minneapolis is Friday.)       
Protest events will take place across North America and around the world this week calling for real rail safety and accountability regarding rail disasters like the 2013  Lac-Mégantic oil-train wreck. Railroad workers, rail safety and environmental activists will be calling upon the Canadian government to drop the charges against framed-up rail workers as the prosecution’s case against them unravels.  Canadian rail workers Tom Harding and Richard Lebrie are currently on trial for the deaths in that disaster facing a possible life sentence. The criminal trial has highlighted the connection between dangerous railroad policies and the need to hold the right people accountable for the danger created.

Thursday and Friday, rail safety activists across North America will be calling on the Canadian government to stop its diversionary prosecution of rail workers who have no control over the majority of the causes identified by government reports and independent investigations. In many cases, the causes identified are also at issue in other railroad wrecks in the last several years, yet no policy-makers are held accountable.

Amtrak train  #501 derailed on a 30 mph curve outside of DuPont, Washington Monday, December 18th, killing three and injuring  scores of others. Soon after, it came to light that the train was traveling at 78 mph, well above the prescribed speed. Coming on the heels of at least five major passenger train wrecks in the US over the course of the last decade, one questions, why do these tragedies continue to occur?

Train wrecks are no different than other disasters in that they are often the result of a constellation of factors, many hidden from view and potentially years in the making. We miss the point when we simply pin the worker who “screwed up” and fail to further scrutinize the situation.

We are calling for Safe Trains Now!

If you are not in Seattle  you can still support us!  Please help by sharing with your networks.

For anyone on Facebook, we do have an event page and here's the link (which shows the other events in the cities below.)

Do you know others in Chicago,San Francisco, Minneapolis or DC? 

 Chicago: Event at 1 PM on Thursday the 4th at the Canadian Consulate 180 N Stetson Avenue
  San Francisco: Press Conference and rally at 12 Noon on Thursday the 4th,  at the Canadian Consulate 580 California Street

  Minneapolis: Event planned for 2:30 PM on Friday the 5th, at the Canadian Consulate 701 4th Avenue South.

  WashingtonDC: Event planned from 12:30 PM to 1 PM at the Canadian Embassy on Thursday the 4th 501 Pennsylvania Ave.

In Solidarity,

Abby Brockway
RWU Solidarity member

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