Election day is November 3, but NOW is the time to start voting! And here is the magic word:
Are you registered? If not, many people can REGISTER ONLINE at myvote.wi.gov. Otherwise, print, complete, and mail your registration form (be sure to include a copy of approved PROOF OF RESIDENCE).
Have you moved or had a name change since you last registered? If yes, update your registration at myvote.wi.gov OR, print, complete, and mail your registration form (be sure to include a copy of approved PROOF OF RESIDENCE).
Have you requested your absentee ballot? If not, in most cases, you can request your absentee ballot at myvote.wi.gov If that doesn't work, print, complete, and mail your Absentee Ballot Application.
Read the instructions. Use the correct marking tool (in La Crosse, BLACK BALLPOINT PEN). Have a witness available - you only need ONE witness. Vote for only one person for each office unless otherwise indicated. You may leave sections blank if you wish.
When your ballot is marked, fold it and put it in the envelope.
Are you registered? If not, many people can REGISTER ONLINE at myvote.wi.gov. Otherwise, print, complete, and mail your registration form (be sure to include a copy of approved PROOF OF RESIDENCE).
Have you moved or had a name change since you last registered? If yes, update your registration at myvote.wi.gov OR, print, complete, and mail your registration form (be sure to include a copy of approved PROOF OF RESIDENCE).
Have you requested your absentee ballot? If not, in most cases, you can request your absentee ballot at myvote.wi.gov If that doesn't work, print, complete, and mail your Absentee Ballot Application.
When your ballot arrives, VOTE RIGHT AWAY!
Read the instructions. Use the correct marking tool (in La Crosse, BLACK BALLPOINT PEN). Have a witness available - you only need ONE witness. Vote for only one person for each office unless otherwise indicated. You may leave sections blank if you wish.
When your ballot is marked, fold it and put it in the envelope.
- Seal the envelope
- Sign the envelope
- Date the envelope
- Have your witness sign on the witness line
- Have your witness fill in her/his COMPLETE address on the witness address line.
Mail your ballot as soon as possible
(There is already postage on the ballot envelope. You DON'T need to add a stamp,)
= OR =
Drop your ballot in municipal drop box if available
(in La Crosse, there are two drop boxes in the City Hall lot)
TRACK YOUR BALLOT at myvote.wi.gov
If you have questions, issues, or need assistance, CONTACT YOUR MUNICIPAL CLERK.
(La Crosse, Onalaska, or find yours at myvote.wi.gov)
ballots will be mailed during the last half of SEPTEMBER, so if your
ballot is requested, you can be finished by October 1 if you want. You can still vote during the absentee-in-person period or on election day, but given all the possibilities for disruptions and to free your schedule for helping others vote during those times, please consider VOTING ABSENTEE.
If you need assistance getting your correctly marked, sealed, signed, and witnessed ballot to the La Crosse City Hall drop box, please email coulee progressive at hotmail. Include your contact info so we can arrange date/time.
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