Wednesday, July 23, 2014

CITIZEN KOCH UPDATE and MORE things to do!

A new reason to buy your tickets now for the August 7 (6:30 p.m. at the Marcus Cinema on Ward Avenue) screening of the documentary, CITIZEN KOCH with special guest Mike McCabe of the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign leading the post-film Q&A.

JD says, "The Bodega is making an offer: bring your CITIZEN KOCH stub into the Bodega for a credit off a regular priced beverage or a spin of the wheel. Thanks to Jeff Hotson for this generous offer."

Tickets are available ONLINE ONLY at
We need to sell about 26 more by July 31 for this event to happen! Please spread the word!

== and now for something completely different! ==

CARS public hearing at Central HS
CARS (Citizens Acting for Rail Safety) has been so active over the last several months, it's amazing! For a recap of all the actions and events they've hosted or facilitated AND, more importantly, for important ACTION ITEMS you can help with, please visit the CARS Railroad Progress Report.  Also, highly recommended if you wish to keep track of the oil trains issue, please subscribe to the DOT111 Reader.

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