Friday, June 09, 2017

Citizen Action: Pence in Milwaukee - DETAILS

We've just confirmed the time and location of where Mike Pence and Scott Walker will be speaking tomorrow:
Direct Supply (medical supplies for seniors)
7227 W Green Tree Rd, Milwaukee, WI 53223
We will still be hosting a press conference and meet-up:
Citizen Action of Wisconsin
221 S 2nd #300, Milwaukee, WI, 53204

Wear your white coat/scrubs and bring water because it's going to be hot!
We invite you to bring signs-- the focus will be on how, if the Senate passes it, Trumpcare/Ryancare will:
-  Allow insurance companies to discriminate against people with pre-existing conditions
- Slash Medicaid funding
- Cause seniors' premiums to skyrocket 
Rally sponsored by Citizen Action of Wisconsin

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