Tuesday, February 21, 2017


[from Tugg/Coulee Partners for Sustainability]

This is our LAST CHANCE to make this event happen and we need your help.

This screening will be canceled, unless we meet threshold by THURSDAY, so tell everyone you know!

Here's what you can do right now:
  • Buy a few more tickets! Give the extras to your friends and family. 
  • Share the event link below on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc. and ask your friends, family, and followers to reserve their tickets now! 
  • Find 5 friends to pledge to sell 5 tickets each. Do you belong to any organizations or clubs? Tell the members about the screening!  
  • Post on reddit, Facebook groups, local event calendars, and meetup pages.
Event Page: https://www.tugg.com/events/the-age-of-consequences
Share the link above and let's make this happen!

♥ The Tugg Team

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