Friday, January 20, 2017

Community Rights Workshops in Winona

MARCH 3-5, 2017
Weekend Workshop on 
Community Rights Movement (Winona MN)

The dates for our Weekend Workshop are now March 3-5, 2017. We apologize for any inconvenience; this change was unavoidable. Thanks for understanding. 

February 12 (Sunday 3:00 pm): 
We the People 2.0” new documentary 

February 19 (Sunday 3:00 pm):
Introductory workshop 

March 3-5 (Fri pm thru Sun afternoon)
Full Weekend Workshop. Enjoyable and intensive exploration of Community Rights movement's origins, goals, and strategy

March 6 (probably 5 pm to 7 pm)
Informal discussion with Paul on how to move ahead with Community Rights in the Winona area.

Mark your calendar! Space will be limited. We will update as soon as REGISTRATION INFORMATION is available OR CONTACT THE ORGANIZERS! 

We are keeping costs for attendees as low as possible. We hope you'll consider attending these empowering workshops. We need this Movement — now more than ever!

Your Community-Rights Workshop team,
Jim Gurley (507) 523-3113
Sarah Miles (507) 452-1056

For more info, testimonials, and resources, please see below.

We the People Are More Powerful 

than We Dare to Believe: 


Friday 6pm - 9pm 
Saturday 9am - 6pm
Sunday 9am - 5pm

The weekend workshop in Winona is a full weekend about community rights. The mini-workshops are basic overviews. (
No previous experience or knowledge is necessary to attend either workshop.)

 Wanting a better world for my daughters convinced me to attend Paul's training.  I moved from feeling ignorant, to oppressed, to empowered.  We can build a world that holds the interest of ourselves, our children, our whole Earth Community at the forefront.  And there are other communities leading the way!  Join me!

Our workshop leader, Paul Cienfuegos, has been leading workshops, giving public talks, and organizing local communities towards dismantling corporate rule and strengthening local democracy since 1995. An Oregon resident, Paul continues to expand his life passion: to help communities near and far to rediscover their power to govern themselves. He has great faith in the inherent wisdom and capacity of everyone to strive for a better world.
We sense that our democratic system of rule by the people is broken, and that we need to have a way to look at the frac-sand mining problem and solution in a system-wide, overarching way (along with continuing to locally oppose specific mines or facilities). This workshop will provide such an overarching understanding.

Paul Cienfuegos (pronounced “SEE-en-FUAY-gose”) of Portland, Oregon is an expert in the Community Rights Movement, and he leads workshops nationally on the subject. Forest, Sheila, and Jim attended one of his workshops last September, and found it to be extremely informative, inspiring, and empowering.

Paul’s workshops are packed with information and activities, but also include lots of generous breaks. He encourages interactive questions and discussion by participants. Paul’s approach is positive, solution-oriented, and has a good sense of humor. He brings several excellent books and articles to the workshop for sale, and provides a resource-guide and reading list to all attendees, along with a free audio file of the workshop (and DVD at nominal cost if it is video-taped).
Paul clearly explains, in the workshop, how and why corporations received these so-called “rights” that allow them to invade our communities and disregard the will of the people. This knowledge is an important first step in seeing how such a situation can be resisted and overcome.

Workshop attendees will also meet and interact with people from across our region. This networking creates valuable unity within our movement so we can more effectively fight frac sand mining and other environmental threats.

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